Friday, May 23, 2014

Deja Vu - Pt.1

Ning returned to the temple a few days after Wesak.  He told me that he was worried about Lao Lo who had not been well lately.  The old man had been very stubborn and refused to be taken to a doctor.  Head Nun who had overheard our conversation, said that perhaps she could help.  Head Nun, I know, is an expert in traditional Chinese herbal medicine that can be used to cure all kinds of ailments.  We thought it would be a good idea if she had a look at Lao Lo and the next day arranged for a trishaw to take her to his home.

Ning had earlier informed Lao Lo that we would be bringing Head Nun.  At first he protested but finally relented. Head Nun hadn't been near the river for years and was astonished at the changes she saw.  She was even more astonished to see Lao Lo's hut which he had done up quite nicely.  He was sitting by the window when she arrived.  He got up to greet her and as their eyes met, there was an electrifying silence.  He stared at her and she stared back.  No words came from either of them for at least two minutes.

It was Head Nun who recovered first.

"Forgive - forgive me if I'm wrong, but you look like .... no, it couldn't be ...." she stammered, her voice quivering.

"I don't believe it, it's been so long  ..." whispered Lao Lo, his voice trailing off.

Both Ning and I looked at each other, wondering what it was all about.

Then Head Nun burst out: "Ah Kum!  Is it you?"

"Ching Lan!  Is it you?"

Lao Lo impulsively reached out and grasped Head Nun's hand, shaking it vigorously, his wrinkled face wreathed in smiles.

"You know each other?" asked Ning incredulously.

For the first time, I saw Head Nun blush.  She pulled her hand away and said abruptly, "We came to help Ah ... I mean Lao Lo, so let's not waste time."  Becoming professional all of a sudden, she felt his forehead, looked at his eyes and checked his throat.

"I don't think it's anything serious," she said.  "Just too much sun and too little water."  She then opened up her medicine chest and took out the herbs needed.  "Look, I can show you how to boil these herbs and you can drink the soup immediately.  Repeat twice a day for the next three days and you should be alright.  Meantime, try to drink more water in between."

Traditional Chinese cure for Lao Lo
Lao Lo had the fire going and soon the herbal soup was ready to drink.  Lao Lo obediently drank it and said it tasted good.

Head Nun then said she had to leave and went outside to the waiting trishaw.  I accompanied her back while Ning stayed with Lao Lo.

It was a quiet ride back to the temple.  Head Nun was lost in thought and I felt I shouldn't intrude in her privacy, though of course I was bursting with curiosity about her and Lao Lo.

(To be continued)

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