Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Journey to Nirvana - Pt. 2

When I told Ning about my fantastic journey to Nirvana, he was of course sceptical, even when I showed him the golden star which Lao Tze had given me.  He examined it carefully, turning it this way and that and even sniffed it.  "Well," he said at last, "It certainly doesn't look like it's from this planet.  It is definitely made from some foreign material."

"So now do you believe me?"  I asked.

He shrugged but wouldn't commit himself.  We were both sitting outside the temple gates a few evenings after my wonderful experience.  It was a quiet night with little traffic.  The stars were out and there was no sign of rain. Suddenly we heard loud mewing coming from somewhere near us.  It was a little black kitten and it seemed to have lost its way.

"May I spend the night with you at the temple?" she asked.  "I will leave first thing tomorrow morning."

We of course could not refuse her and took her back into the temple with us.  She said her name was Rosie and we found a place for her to sleep near the kitchen window where it was cooler.  Ning decided to spend the night as well so that he could help me take care of Rosie.

We were both sleeping peacefully when we were awakened by Rosie's mewing in the middle of the night.  "What's wrong with her?" asked Ning sleepily.  We both went to the spot under the kitchen window but she was not there.  We looked around in the dark but couldn't find her.  As we stood there a little puzzled, we suddenly heard a cackling laugh, like that of a witch..... somehow it sounded very familiar and our hair began to stand on end.

Then something leapt at us ... it was a black cat with bloodshot yellow eyes and saliva dripping from her mouth ...we screamed...she laughed again and shrieked: "You stupid fools! Don't you recognise me?  Yes, it's me, The Black Rose.  I took the form of an innocent kitten so that I could come into the temple. Now I shall take my revenge and devour you two!  It's no use calling for your Head Nun, I've put a spell on her and she won't wake up until tomorrow morning!"  She laughed again and pounced on us.

I tried to scream but no sound emerged from my throat.  As for Ning, he sat like he was hypnotised and trembled from head to foot.  "This is it," I thought to myself, my whole life suddenly flashing before my eyes.

Then suddenly, a loud clap of thunder boomed from the sky and a bolt of lightning shot through the window.  As we watched horrified, it hit The Black Rose.  She gave a piercing scream and slowly disintegrated before our eyes.

"It's alright, she'll never trouble you again," said a voice from the window.  We turned round and saw Lao Tze standing there on his star.  "Lao Tze!  Lao Tze!" I cried excitedly.  "But how did you know ...."

Lao Tze smiled.  "Remember the golden star I gave you?  It sends signals to me every time you're in danger, so here I am!  I've got to go now, the Lord Buddha is waiting for my report."

"Wait!  Take me with you," I cried, tears streaming from my eyes.  But he had already gone.

"Da, you know you can't go with him," said Ning gently.  "Come on, let's go to bed.  Phew! This is one night I'll never forget."

As soon as I woke up the next morning, I went down to Lao Tze's grave.  I was delighted to see a little yellow butterfly flitting among the white flowers on his grave.

"Lao Tze," I said, "If that's you, thanks a million for saving us last night."  The butterfly flew towards me, brushed its wings against my cheek and then soared up into the sky.  I watched it for a while, then returned to the temple.

Oh what a lot I have to tell Head Nun, beginning from the beginning ....

"Is that you, Lao Tze?"

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