Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Happy Winter Solstice

The rolled rice balls before being cooked in syrup 

Happy Winter Solstice everyone!  This age old tradition has been celebrated by the humans for years and we at the temple have been observing it for as long as I can remember.  APK is in charge every year for rolling the colourful glutinous rice balls (tang yuan) and she and the other nuns have great fun doing it.  After everything is cooked, it is put in small bowls on the altar in the prayer hall to offer to Lord Buddha.  I don't know about us cats but the humans say they are a year older on this day!  

Later this afternoon we shall be sitting down to some tea and tang yuan.  Ah Hoe, Ning and Mi Mi and her charges have been invited to join us and it's going to be a great "family" reunion.   We cats don't eat rice balls of course but as Head Nun always says, it is the spirit of "togetherness" that counts.

May all be blessed with prosperity and good health on this auspicious day!

With Metta,


22 Dec 2022

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