Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Yunzhi's Wedding - Pt.1

The weeks sped by after my encounter with the Forest Queen and soon the whole episode was almost forgotten.  One morning, Ning and I heard a commotion at the temple gate.  We went out to see what was happening and saw to our surprise that it was Yunzhi!

"Yunzhi!  What brings you here?" asked Ning.

"Oh, am I glad I found you two!  I had a hard time trying to locate your temple and had to ask several people before I got here."

We invited him inside and he said he had wonderful news for us.

"Da and Ning, I'm getting married!" he said, beaming from ear to ear.

We were both delighted at the good news.  Yunzhi informed us that his bride-to-be is from a nearby village and is the daughter of a farmer.

"I am inviting only you and Ning as we can't afford a grand wedding," he said.  "In fact you are our only guests.  Oh, by the way, I also invited the Forest Queen."

"You did!" I exclaimed.  "Yunzhi, are you sure that's a wise thing to do?"

"Well, I don't have anything against her inspite of what she did to me.  Don't worry about it!  The important thing is that both of you must come - it's the day after tomorrow."

We promised we would be there and Yunzhi left, quite happy.

The wedding day dawned and Ning and I set out for Yunzhi's shack in the forest.  Ning had spruced himself up and wore a red ribbon round his neck.  It was quite a long walk and we were both hot and perspiring when we arrived.  Yunzhi and his bride, Su Lin were there to greet us and I must say they made a dazzling couple in their red embroidered wedding costumes.  Yunzhi's father was delighted to see us and invited us to sit down and have tea.  The weather was fine and the birds were singing in the trees as though they knew of the joyous occasion.

Just as we were enjoying some freshly brewed tea, there came a sudden strong wind which swept through the trees and round the shack - and suddenly all was quiet.  The birds stopped singing and the sky above darkened.  There was a flash of lightning and .... there she was, the Forest Queen.  She was decked out in flowers and a cold shudder ran through my body as I looked at her.

"Well, well!" she said, a smouldering look on her face.  "I must indeed congratulate you, Yunzhi on finding such a charming bride.  I am touched that you have remembered to invite me.  I have brought you a small gift."  With that, she vanished, leaving behind a basket of apples.

"Well, that was short and sweet," said Ning.  "I don't suppose witches wish people good things like "Hope you both will be happy together" but at least she doesn't seem jealous. Well, she's gone, so let's enjoy ourselves." said Ning, heading for the refreshments.

It was then that we heard a sharp scream and saw to our horror that Su Lin had dropped to the ground in a dead faint.  Yunzhi rushed forward, so did we.  Her face was deathly pale and it looked like she had lost consciousness.

"Su Lin, Su Lin!  Oh my God ..." cried Yunzhi.

"She's still alive, Yunzhi," said Yunzhi's father, feeling her pulse.

"It's the Forest Queen, she must have done this," exclaimed Ning.

"I've got to go after her and get her back here to undo whatever she has done to Su Lin," I cried.

"Maybe I should get a doctor ....?." asked Ning.

"Alright, but it's a long way .....hurry!"  Ning sped off and was soon lost to sight.

I ran into the forest calling for the Forest Queen ... I felt like a drowning cat clutching at a straw but then something had to be done.  I walked through the trees calling her again and again but there was only silence .. a silence broken only by the loud pounding of my heart ....

(To be continued)

Yunzhi and his bride made a dazzling couple ...

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