Monday, August 9, 2021

Spooky Tips

Yikes, it's the month of the Hungry Ghosts again and though rumour has it that they won't be leaving the gates of Hell for earth due to the many lockdown restrictions, it's still better to be cautious and stay safe.  One of the temple devotees has passed on some do's and don'ts for this month, they apply more to
humans than us cats, of course, but then some spooks don't like cats, so it's good to be aware of these tips.  Here they are:

* If you're out at night and somebody calls your name or taps you on your shoulder, don't answer or turn around!  Yeah, just run! Best of all, avoid going out at night.

* Don't pick up anything from the ground, it could be an offering to the spooks.  What if it's a RM100 note?  Good question, Ning!  

* Avoid beaches, swimming pools, any place with water - the spirits there could be looking for a companion!  Good thing the Olympics are over, I shudder to think of what could have happened.

* Don't whistle at night, you might be calling for unwanted guests!  Ning says he wants to test this one out.  Well, Ning, if you want a companion for the night, please go ahead.

* Avoid taking photos or videos at night - You might get a big surprise! Boo! Some time ago, Head Nun confiscated the mobile phones of all the nuns.  She told them very sternly that they're not in the temple to watch YouTube or play around with Whatsapp.  They would have to be content with watching the old telly during their free time.  We have only two mobiles at the temple for emergency use - one with Head Nun and the other with the oldest nun, who by the way, is close to 80.

* Lastly, if you're out driving at night, don't stop if you see someone on the roadside waving to you to stop.  You can't be sure whether he or she is human or not.....

Scary, isn't it?  Well, I'm going to bed early every night this month and wearing my shades, of course.

P.S. I have decided to incorporate Ning's Meow Corner in the main blog posts, so that you can see his comments. 


Da gets very nervous this time of year.  He will chant non-stop or hide under his blanket every night.  I don't live at the temple which means it's a different scenario outside.  I may bump into a spook or two but it really doesn't bother me. In fact, I hear some are quite friendly and are only sad, lonely old souls who need someone to talk to.   Well, I have yet to sit down and chat with one, I'll let you folks know when that happens!

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