Sunday, August 15, 2021

Dawn Encounter

Well, we're halfway into the month of Hungry Ghosts now and hopefully it will be peaceful and quiet for the rest of the month.

However this morning, things were far from peaceful and quiet. When we assembled for meditation, I noticed that APK was missing.  I didn't know whether Head Nun noticed her absence but she made no comment.  Just as we were nearing the end of the session, about 6 a.m., there came a terrible commotion from the backyard.  The cockerels and hens were squawking away accompanied by loud screams from someone.  We all rushed to the backyard and saw to our shock that APK was grappling with a young boy before she finally overpowered him, threw him onto the ground and sat on him!  Being so plump, she must have been a dead weight - the boy could hardly move!

"What in the world is going on?" exclaimed Head Nun, aghast.  

"Head Nun," APK gasped breathlessly.  "I caught this boy trying to steal our chickens!"

"So you did!" said Head Nun grimly.  "Take him into the kitchen and we'll find out more."

APK reluctantly got off the boy, then grabbed his hand and led him into the kitchen.

In the bright light of the kitchen, we all saw that the culprit was around 10 or 12 years old.  He had on a torn T-shirt and dirty shorts and his feet were bare.  He stood there with head bent, not daring to look at us.

"Give him a bowl of broth and some buns, APK," said Head Nun.  "He must be very hungry."

Head Nun was right.  The boy was so hungry he polished up everything in a few minutes.  Then he fell to his knees before Head Nun and between sobs, poured out his story: "Sifu, please forgive me.  My father is sick and unable to work .  My brothers and I have not eaten for days.  When I passed by your temple, I saw the chickens at the back and I thought if I could catch one ......" his voice trailed away.

"Boy, why didn't you come direct to me or my nuns for help?  We would certainly have given you some food." said Head Nun.

The boy continued to cry.  "I ... I was afraid ...."

"Well, next time, remember all you have to do is ask."  She then instructed one of the nuns to pack some rice, potatoes and vegetables for the boy to take home.  

Then turning to APK, she said sternly, "As for you, you didn't turn up for meditation this morning; instead you acted on your own impulse and tried to be a hero.  You may have caught a thief but that doesn't excuse your foolhardy behaviour.  I want you to take the boy home to his parents and when you return, see me in my room."

APK opened her mouth to explain but Head Nun waved her aside.  Poor APK, she has a good heart but  always gets into scrapes and upsets Head Nun.  I thought I had better accompany her and the boy to his home and was relieved when Head Nun granted me permission.

On the way to the boy's home, APK explained that she had heard a noise near her window when she got up for meditation and decided to investigate.  She then saw the boy trying to catch one of our chickens and pounced on him.

"APK, you were lucky this time, next time it could be an armed intruder. You could get hurt," I said, concerned for her safety.

While we were talking, the boy who had been walking in front of us stopped abruptly and said, "You need not follow me all the way.  Thank you for the food." 

He smiled, then before our horrified eyes, his appearance suddenly changed, his eyes became red balls of fire and blood oozed from them!  APK screamed, so did I and the next thing we knew we were running back to the temple as fast as our legs could carry us!

We were panting hard when we arrived at the temple gates.  I thought APK was going to faint and told her to rest for a while before going inside.

"Vege Cat," she gasped, "Did you see what I saw?"

I gulped and nodded, my heart still pounding and my feet still trembling.

"The...the boy was a hungry g-ghost," I whispered.

 "Oh my God, I'm so sorry, Vege Cat for giving you a fright. It's all my fault, please forgive me!"

"Calm down, APK.  He didn't harm us, he was actually grateful for the food we gave him."

"But what am I going to tell Head Nun? That I caught a ghost? I'm finished, she will expel me from the temple for sure!"  She started to sob, tears streaming down her face as she sat there.

Well, to cut a long story short, Head Nun did not expel APK but confined her to her room for one week as punishment.  In addition she had to write On Mani Padme Hum one thousand times.  

And nobody has dared speak of that dawn encounter since then.


Wow!  That was some encounter with a hungry ghost!  Wish I had been there.  I must say this APK has got guts.  Head Nun's mad at her but at least she is livening up things in the temple during the lockdown!

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