Tuesday, April 5, 2016

One Hell of a Female - Pt.1

Yes, the heat wave isn't over yet!  It's in the afternoons and nights that the heat is most intense. I haven't been able to do much work, much less meditation.  The nuns are going about with their robes drenched in sweat but Head Nun was quick to point out that we are all still very fortunate in that we don't have to work under the blazing sun, like construction workers and the like.  She's right, of course but every now then we still can't help letting out a complaint or two.

I hadn't seen Ning for over a week and hoped he was not down with sun stroke. Just as I was thinking of him, Ning bounded in, looking for me.

"Hey, Da," he said, whispering urgently in my ear. "I've got to talk to you, but not here..."  He glanced furtively around as though he was about to divulge a top secret.

"Alright, Ning," I said.  "Let's go sit under the shade of the custard apple tree."

When we had settled down, Ning turned to me, a serious expression on his face.

"What's up?"  I asked.  "You look as though the world has just ended for you."  Little did I know that my words were not far from the truth!  To my amazement, Ning, who seldom shows any emotion and  is always nonchalent, suddenly broke down.  This must be serious, I thought.  When he had calmed down, he said in a voice hardly above a whisper, "Ning, she's pregnant!"

"What?  Who?"  I gasped, blinking.

Ning continued hoarsely, "I met her at the Long Tails Club over a week ago, and to cut a long story short, we dated, then bang!  She told me she's pregnant!  I don't know what happened, maybe it was the night I had too much to drink and we had some fun at my hideout ...."

This is the first time any cat had come to me for counselling and frankly, I felt I was not qualified to give any advice. I live in a temple and I have never had such problems!

Finally I said, "Well, Ning, if you're the father, then you've got to marry her."  It was the most sensible advice I could think of.

Ning looked at me in horror and shrieked, "Me marry?  Never!  Da, I'm a confirmed bachelor and I can't stand squealing little kittens hanging around my feet! You've got to help me ...."

"Ning, you've got to take responsibility for your actions.  You owe her and your ...er ... kitten a reasonably good life ...."

Ning glared at me, his face thwarted with anger.  "Da, I came to you because you're my best friend.  I thought you could help me but I am shocked that you're taking her side against mine!  I'll never speak to you again!"  With that, he stormed off.

"Wait, wait," I yelled but he had gone.  Poor Ning!  Maybe I should have asked him to write in to Dear Abby or whoever they write to when they're in trouble.  Oh well, he'll sort things out himself, I said to myself.

After several days had passed, I couldn't help wondering what was happening with Ning.  Had he run away or decided to marry his girlfriend?

I was meditating under the custard apple tree one morning when suddenly I heard a low, husky voice in my ear.  Startled, I opened my eyes and found myself gazing into a pair of green eyes.  They were the sexiest pair of green eyes I had seen for a long time.

"Hi, you must be Da," the green eyes said.  I looked again and found they belonged to a slinky feline with orangey fur.  Wow! Before I could speak, she continued. "Ning said you live here."

Oh oh, I knew then I was in big trouble.  This must be Ning's girlfriend, the one he had got pregnant.

"Er - yes, and what can I do for you?"  I stammered, almost hypnotised by her green eyes.

 "Oh, nothing really.  I suppose he told you of our .... affair?

I cleared my throat.  "Yes, he did," I replied, feeling rather embarrassed.  How could I not feel anything but embarrassed.  I had taken a vow of celibacy and am a cat monk, well almost. "Actually, he came to me for advice, he told me you're ...you're... ..".  My voice trailed away.

Mi Mi (that was her name) laughed.  "Pregnant?  Ha, ha, ha!  Well, you'll be relieved to know I'm not!  I only told him that to see what his reaction would be.  And I was right, that no good bum will never marry me nor anyone for that matter."

Hey, who was she calling a "no good bum"?  Ning is my friend and I couldn't let her get away with that.

"Look," I said, trying to sound as fierce as I could.  "I don't know what your game is, just leave Ning alone!"

She chuckled again.  "My, my, spoken like a true friend!"

Then suddenly she came close to me, very close and rubbed her pink nose against mine.  I was shocked, petrified.  My heart started to pound and my legs trembled.  I had this crazy urge to grab her and kiss her.  But somehow I managed to pull myself away.

Mi Mi laughed again and said, "Don't worry, I'm not going to seduce you.  Ning said you're a goodie goodie and I can see now he's right!  Well, you can tell him that I'm leaving town and he needn't worry about marrying me. He's really very boring, you know and I wouldn't marry him if he's the last cat on earth!  I'm going to find fame and fortune elsewhere and hopefully a rich young Persian. See yuh!"  She stifled a yawn, then marched off.

I sat for a while under the custard apple tree after she had gone.  Suddenly I felt very angry and disgusted with myself. In my many years of "monkhood" at the temple, I had thought I had conquered all sensual desires but it looked like I was mistaken.  I could still be aroused by the Siren of Lust and Temptation.  I was back to square one.  That evening, I was so dispirited that I talked to no one and went to bed early.

A few days later, Ning ran in to the kitchen looking for me.  He slapped my back and grinned broadly.
"Thanks, Da!"

"For what?"  I asked, puzzled.

"For getting rid of Mi Mi, of course!"


"She told me you had threatened to beat her up if she didn't leave me alone, so she had no choice but to leave town!"

"She told you that?"  I asked incredulously.

Ning was too happy to notice my confusion.  He slapped my back again and ran off.

Mi Mi, I must say, is one hell of a female.

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