Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Cat Meat for Dinner

"Wake up, Da!  Wake up!" shouted Ning.

"What ... where ....?"  I muttered, still half asleep.

"We've been captured," shrieked Ning.  "Look, we're all locked up in a cage!"

"What?"  I looked around me and was shocked to see that we were in a large cage with at least 20 other cats.  "But.. but how did that happen?"

"We were sitting outside the temple last night when suddenly somebody threw a big net over us.  They drugged us and the next thing  I knew, we're in this cage!" replied Ning.

One of the other cats, a female, started crying.  "They're going to eat us for dinner!"

"What?" I gasped.

"We've been captured by this big guy who runs a cat meat restaurant." growled one of the older cats.  "He's going to cook all of us tonight for his cat eating customers!"

All the cats started wailing.  They made a terrific din and that made my head spin even faster.  Then a big burly guy came in, brandishing a cleaver.

"Shut up, you miserable devils!  You're going to earn me lots of money tonight.  The oil is just starting to heat up and in half an hour, I shall make deep fried cat meat from all of you!  Ha! Ha! Ha!"

"You've got to do something, Da or we'll all end up on someone's dinner table!"  yelled Ning above the noise.  "I know - your golden star - get your friend to help us!"

I searched for my star but to my dismay, it was not with me.

"Oh, no," groaned Ning.  "Guess we'd better say our prayers now!"

The other cats continued their wailing.  I put my paws to my ears and started to pray to Lord Buddha.  Oh, Lord, please save us. Anyone, please save us!

Then suddenly the door opened and a small, old woman came in.  She looked at us and then spoke to the burly man.

"Oh, such lovely cats!  I love cats. I want to buy all these cats from you," she said, turning to the burly man.

He shook his head.  "Lady, I don't know how you got in here but this kitchen is private and I'm not selling any cats to you."

The woman smiled.  "I shall give you a handsome sum for them," she said.  She named an amount which I couldn't hear because of all the screaming going on.  I saw the man hesitate.  He thought for a while, then said, "OK!  Sold!  Hey, shut up the restaurant, we're closed for tonight!"  he yelled to his assistant.

"Thank you!"  said the woman.  "Here's your money, now help me put the cage into my car."

The cats stopped screaming.  "We're free!" yelled some of them. The man lifted up the cage, carried it outside to the woman's car and put it in the back seat. She started the engine and soon we were driving away from the city.

"That was a close shave," said Ning, wiping beads of sweat off his head.

"I knew the Lord Buddha would save us," I said, happy with relief. The other cats had quietened down now and were chatting among themselves.

It was quite a long drive and soon we found ourselves on a narrow path leading to the forest.  The car stopped and the woman came down, opened the door and took out the cage.

"Aha, my lovely cats!  See that little house over there?  This is where I live."  She carried the cage into her house and put it down by the window.  "You'll be comfortable here, dears."  she said.

"Hey, aren't you going to let us out?"  asked one of the cats.

"Let you out?  Of course not! I've invited some friends and we're going to have you all for dinner tonight."

"WHAT?" we all screamed.  The woman came back, holding a big knife. "Now, I shall start with you, and you, and you .... don't worry it won't be painful."  She reached out and grasped my neck.  I tried to struggle but was powerless against her strong grip.  I saw the knife coming down over my head and it was then that I fainted ....

"Vege Cat!  Wake up!" It was Head Nun.

I opened my eyes and sat up with a start.

"You've been dreaming again and it looked like it was quite a nightmare.  You were screaming and squirming in your basket," said Head Nun.

 "I was having the most horrifying dream, so real I thought it actually happened!"

"What was it about?" asked Head Nun.

"Something about being captured and about to be eaten by an old woman ...."

Head Nun laughed.  "No wonder! Last night we were talking about the people in China who eat cats and dogs - you were so terrified that you dreamt about it when you went to bed!"

"You're right, Head Nun.  Thanks for waking me up. I hope I never have this dream again."

Yes, I was lucky it was only a dream but for thousands of cats in China, it is a horrendous nightmare.  I wish I could help them.

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