Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Amitabha - Pt.2

After I got back from the Silky Way, I still could not get over Amitabha's tragic end.  I found myself thinking about him last thing at night and first thing when I woke up in the morning.

One evening I was surprised to see Lao Tze at my window.  He told me that he had been to the Silky Way on another mission and at the same time he had kept a lookout for Amitabha but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Maybe someone has rescued him," he said.

"I hope so, Lao Tze," I replied.  "I feel so sad thinking that he may be floating somewhere in space, lost and helpless."

Lao Tze patted my shoulder.

"Don't worry too much, friend. Take good care of yourself."  With that he zoomed off.

The next morning I took a brief walk, then settled under the custard apple tree.  It was a lovely old tree and had borne many fruits for the temple in the past.

It was then that I heard a voice calling me.  I looked up and saw that it was Mei, the white dove that lives in the temple eaves. She was sitting on a branch of the tree, looking down at me.

"What's up, Mei?"  I asked.

"I've got something to tell you," she replied excitedly.  She flew down and sat at my feet.

"Early this morning I went down to the beach to see whether I could pick up any worms.  I was standing on a rock when suddenly there was this great big splash.  I saw to my amazement that a great big blue octopus had burst out from the sea below and was waving its tentacles frantically at me ...."

"What?  Did you say a blue octopus?"  I exclaimed, sitting up.

"Yes!  It waved at me and said something but I couldn't quite hear.  So I flew up to him and asked him to repeat what he was saying, and you wouldn't believe this!  He said he knew I'm from the temple and could I pass a message to the black, brown and white cat living there.  I presumed he meant you, there's no other cat of that description!"

"Oh my God, did you ask him his name?" I asked excitedly. 

"Yes and I think he said it's "Ami.." something."

"Amitabha!"  I burst out.

"Yes, that's it!  He said to tell you ... I really can't make any sense of this ... he said to tell you that after he left you, he floated about in space not knowing where he was going.  Then suddenly he saw a bright light and from the light emerged the most beautiful being he had ever seen.  It looked at him with kind, compassionate eyes and when I asked him to describe this being,  I knew at once that he was describing the Lord Buddha!"

"Oh my God!"  I gasped.

"Then he said the Lord Buddha stretched out His hand, took hold of him and in the blink of an eye, he found himself swimming in the ocean!"

"I knew the Lord Buddha would save him! Oh, I'm so relieved and happy!"

"Yes, Ami whatever his name is said he's very happy, now that he's back where he belongs, in the sea. He wanted you and your friend to know that he's safe.  By the way, what's all this about?  How did he know I'm from the temple?  And who's your friend?"

"Er ... it's a long story, Mei.  Maybe the Lord Buddha told him about you and where to find you.  Anything's possible. All that matters is Amitabha is safe now. Thanks so much for the good news. Say, did you manage to catch any worms?  If not, I've got some fresh buttered crumbs in the kitchen!"

"Mmm!  I would love some of that!" said Mei, licking her lips.

I ran back into the kitchen and came back with the crumbs.  It was a beautiful morning and we both had a lovely breakfast sitting under the shade of the custard apple tree.

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