Monday, July 21, 2014

The Angel of Peace

The nuns had been watching the evening news over TV and they were horrified by the spate of violence and ghastly tragedies happening around the world.  "What is this world coming to?" they moaned.  These days, I too cannot stomach the atrocities I see over TV, so I usually lie quietly in my basket, gazing up at the evening sky through an open window, while the nuns protest and shake their heads in dismay.

One such evening, I was gazing at a star that seemed to be shining more brightly than the others.  It was a lovely gold colour and it glittered with a brilliant lustre that I had never seen before.  I wondered whether there was any living being up there.  Then, to my amazement, I found myself being drawn slowly towards it, like some magnetic force was pulling me.  Strangely I didn't feel afraid and in fact I felt myself enveloped in an aura of what I could only describe as Love, beautiful, pure Love.

When I "landed", I found to my astonishment that I was sitting on top of the world, literally.  And right beside me was the most beautiful angel I had ever seen. She had a gentle, serene face; her eyes were pools of compassion and her fluffy white wings billowed around her. I gaped at her in awe but before I could speak, she said softly, "Peace be to you."  I was too dumbfounded to reply and she smiled and said, "Fear not.  I am the Angel of Peace."

 She then looked down at the world I was sitting on and to my surprise, I saw a tear trickle down her cheek.

"There is misery everywhere I look." she said sadly.  "See those dark, black clouds?  Can you hear children crying?  Can you hear people moaning in pain and sorrow? The world is full of so much anger, greed and hatred, there is hardly any peace or love left...."

I looked in the direction she pointed and saw to my horror a mass of dirty, black clouds.  I saw bombs exploding, people dying, people killing each other, children crying - it was the most frightening thing I had ever seen.

The Angel continued. "When will man learn to live in peace?  When will he find true joy and contentment and love each other like his own brother?"  She let out a mournful sigh and tears again trickled down her cheeks.

The monstrosities I had just seen left me trembling with fear.  Finally I found my voice and asked shakily, "Angel of Peace, why did you bring me here?  What would you have me do?"

She looked at me and said, "Bring my message of peace to all.  Forgive and forget the past and live only in gladness.  Love all, serve all, whatever your language or creed. Let there be no room for pain or sorrow. That is the message that I want you to spread on earth."

"I will try my best but how can a mere cat like me take on this enormous task alone?"  I cried.

The Angel smiled and whispered, "Seek me first, put me first and you will see my wonders unfold..."

I woke up with a start, sweat cascading down my face.  I had been dreaming again.  The nuns had since gone to bed and I was alone by the open window with the stars looking down at me. What a vivid dream it was - a meeting with the Angel of Peace! I slowly recalled her words, the horrible scenes I had seen.  Oh, Angel of Peace, I sighed as I looked up at the sky, will there ever be peace on earth and goodwill among men?

The stars twinkled brightly . "Some day some one will make it happen  ..." they seemed to say as they shone and illumined the dark night sky.

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