Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Ning's Journey to the Unknown

I had just finished breakfast the other morning when Ning came rushing in, his face pale and drawn.  He drew me aside and said, "Da, I've got to speak to you."

We went to a quiet corner of the garden and sat down.

"What happened, Ning?"  I asked.

"Da, you won't believe what I've got to tell you.  I think ... I think I died last night..."

"What?  Ning, if you had died, you wouldn't be here right now.  Sure you didn't have too much to drink last night?"

"Of course not!  Look, let me begin from the beginning.  For some strange reason, I couldn't sleep last night  after I came back from the club.  I tossed and turned, then just when I thought I was falling asleep, I heard a big "bang" and to my horror, I felt myself floating upwards.  I kept on going like I was being pulled by some unseen hand.  I looked down and saw my own body lying there.  It was just like what we have read about people's death experiences - they say they see a dark tunnel with a light at the end - well, what I saw was a beautiful rainbow meandering its way up and up against a sky of colourful lights.  It was awesome!"

Here Ning paused and looked at me.

"Are you listening?"  he asked. I had to admit I was rather sceptical of what he had said so far but being a good friend, I nodded.  "Carry on," I said.

"Well, I found myself standing on this rainbow as it brought me nearer and nearer to what looked like golden gates.  Little cat angels floated around them and seemed to be guarding them.  It was then that I realised that I must have died and was being transported to Heaven or maybe Hell, for that matter!"

Ning's story was getting interesting, so I urged him to go on.

"As soon as I reached the gates, the cat angels opened them for me and ushered me in.  I could see white clouds, rainbows and stars and dozens of cats floating on the clouds  Then we came to a huge gold mirror and I was asked to stand before it.  I wanted to ask what was happening but the words couldn't or wouldn't come out of my mouth!"

 Ning paused again, his lips trembling.

"As I stood there, the mirror suddenly glowed with a soft pink light and a voice spoke.  I couldn't see who or what was speaking.  The voice was soft and gentle and it said, "My dear Ning (it knew my name!), welcome to the "Celestial Abode of Tranquility" or CAT for short.  All cats come here at the end of their journey and they are very happy here.  Just look into the mirror and you will see the story of your life unfolding...."

I looked and was shocked .... my evenings at the Long Tails Club, one or two of my adventures with you, it was all there!  Then the voice said, "My dear, you have enjoyed quite a rollicking life on earth but unfortunately you have not helped anyone or done any good deeds.  You have not even uttered a prayer, done any meditation or listened to the teachings of the great masters. To deserve a place in this sanctuary, you have to do better than this.  I am giving you one more chance, mainly because your friend prays for you every night.  Go back now and remember what I have said."

"Friend?"  I asked, still in a daze.  The voice replied, "You don't know who your friend is?  He is the one who lives at your temple."  "You ... you mean Da?"  I asked.  "Yes.  Now go on your way, my dear."
With that, the pink light vanished and the cat angels led me back to the rainbow.  I saw myself coming back to my body and then I woke up!"

Now it was my turn to be shocked.  "I hope you're not making all this up, Ning,"  I said nervously.  "I can't believe someone up there knows me!"

"I swear I'm telling the truth," Ning said, still looking troubled.  "Da, do you really pray for me?"  he asked, wide eyed.

"I pray for everyone," I said.

"Then what must I do now?" asked Ning.

"Well, since the voice said you should do more good deeds, you can start by helping me clean out the temple,"  I suggested.  "You will be doing the temple a good turn."

"Yeah, alright," he said.  So Ning accompanied me on my daily rounds of the temple for the next few days,  searching out rats and other rodents in the store, in the drains, in the attic and so on.  At the end of a week, I could see he was getting bored.  When I asked whether he wished to continue, he made some excuse and hurried off.  I didn't see him except as meal times and he always left in a huff after eating.

I don't know whether he's still going to the Long Tails Club nightly but it's really none of my business.  It is his life after all and all I can do is .... pray for him.

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