Thursday, October 14, 2021

A Fishy Business

Ning came bounding in this morning, grinning from ear to ear.  "Da, good news!  The Club's re-opening this weekend!  Boy, I can't wait to see my old buddies again!"

It may be good news for Ning but not so for me.  For some time now, I had been trying to convince him to give up drinking but without success.  The last many months under the lockdown had been sheer hell for him, the Club was closed indefinitely and he had nowhere to go for his "Happy Hour".  He spent his time moving in a circle from the temple to Tom's Home and Ah Hoe's house and it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that he was bored to tears.

"You had better be careful, Ning," I cautioned him.  "It's bound to be crowded on the opening day, maybe you should wait to go until a few days later.  You may catch something and fall sick."

Ning grinned.  "Don't worry about me, Da.  I've got an immune system as strong as an ox.  I'll be fine!" and he sailed off.

As to be expected, the re-opening of the Club attracted a big thirsty crowd clamouring for their booze.  A fight broke out, someone called the Police and they arrested a truckful of drunk cats and sent them to prison - Ning included.  When we heard the news, Ah Hoe went immediately to bail him out.  Ning was furious of course and cursed the Club management for not organising things properly.

After that showdown, Ah Hoe very kindly invited Ning to stay with him for a few days for a break and I was relieved when Ning agreed, though rather reluctantly.  The Club was closed by the Police for three days and a stern warning issued to the management to keep things under control when they re-open.

Meantime, I was happy to hear that Ah Hoe had started his own  fish burger business, using the fish he catches everyday from the river.  He has a roadside stall in the village in the evenings and has managed to persuade Ning to assist him.  I heard business is good as fish burgers are new to the villagers. I was secretly pleased to learn that Ning now has no time to go to the Club!

"Keep him busy, Ah Hoe," I said when I met him.  He nodded and said, "You know, Da, you may not believe this but on our off day last week, I told Ning that he could go to the Club since I knew he hadn't been for some time.  But he shook his head and said that he had lost interest in booze.  I couldn't believe my ears.  So far, since we started selling, he hasn't been to the Club but busies himself helping me with my burgers.  I sincerely hope he has turned over a new leaf."

Well, I hope so too.  But I must say that the Lord Buddha does work in mysterious ways. One only has to have faith in Him and He will deliver.


Wow, I didn't know it was so much fun selling burgers!  The guys at the village really love them, I guess they want something new after staying in those long months doing their own cooking!  I'm going to help Ah Hoe get rich and be another BURGER KING!  Haha!  Hey, who said anything about turning over a new leaf?  I didn't promise not to go to the Club or give up drinking.  I know Da is only too anxious to see me in a monk's robe.  Sorry, friend, maybe in my next life!  For now, let's just say I'm taking a break, ok?

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