Friday, July 27, 2018

A Final Goodbye - Pt.1

I had just finished my chores late one afternoon when Ning came in and asked whether I would like to help him clean up Lao Lo's hut.   Lao Lo had gone to China some three months ago and as I had nothing else to do, I agreed.

On the way, we bumped into Ah Hoe, Lao Lo's old friend.

"Hello, you two," he said.  "What are you doing here?"

We told him that we were going to clean up Lao Lo's hut and asked whether he had any news of the old man.

Ah Hoe hesitated, then said slowly, "Well, he didn't want me to tell you both but since you asked .... he hasn't been well and is receiving treatment in a hospital. The doctors say he has improved but prefer not to discharge him yet until they're sure he's completely recovered."

Ning looked rather disturbed at the news but didn't make any comment.

"Oh dear, I hope he does get better soon," I said.

Ah Hoe assured us that he would keep us informed and went on his way.

We found Lao Lo's hut to be rather dusty since it had been empty for so long.  We started cleaning up and by the time we finished, the sun was setting and we were both tired out.  Just as we were about to leave, we heard footsteps outside and the door opened.  We saw to our amazement that it was Lao Lo!

"Lao Lo!" I cried.  "You're back!  We didn't expect you so soon ....."

Lao Lo smiled gently and said, "I'm so happy to see my two good friends again.  How have you both been?"

Ning appeared to be in a state of shock and could not speak.

 "We are ok, Lao Lo,"  I said.  "What about you? Ah Hoe said you had been sick."

The old man smiled but didn't answer my question.  He walked round his hut, looking at his possessions, then sat on his bed.

"Thank you so much, Ning and Da for all you have done for me.  I shall always treasure the memory of our happy times together.  I am very tired after that long journey, my friends.  I hope you don't mind if I take some rest.  Ning, will you stay on with me?"

Ning nodded, his eyes already glistening with tears.  He was obviously overwhelmed by the return of his good friend.

"I'll come back tomorrow morning with some breakfast for you both," I said and left.

When I got back to the temple, I told Head Nun excitedly that Lao Lo was back.  She didn't seem surprised but then you can never tell with Head Nun.  Sometimes I think she's got ESP but pretends not to know anything.

The next morning, I set off with some snacks for Lao Lo and Ning.  When I arrived at the hut, I was surprised to see that neither of them was there.  Perhaps they have gone fishing, I thought to myself.  I hurried to Lao Lo's favourite fishing spot and saw Ning sitting there, alone.

"Ning! Where's Lao Lo?"  I asked.

Before he could answer, Ah Hoe came running towards us, his face as white as a sheet.

"Ning, Da!  I've got sad news - Lao Lo ... Lao Lo died yesterday evening in his sleep."

"What?"  I gasped.  "But... but he was here yesterday evening ....."  my voice trailed away.

Ah Hoe looked at me puzzled.  "You say he was here yesterday?  How could that be?  He's still in China ...."

I turned to look at Ning.  "Ning, you saw him too, didn't you?"

Ning stifled a sob and with much effort, gathered himself together and said,  "Da, the night before we came to clean his hut, I had this dream.  Do you remember the Phoenix that came to take Lao Lo away some time ago?  Well, I saw it in my dream and it was hovering over Lao Lo's bed in China.  I then knew that he was coming to take Lao Lo away, this time for good.  That's why I wanted to clean up his hut, I knew he would come home before he went away for eternity. I kept vigil at his bedside the whole of last night but in the end, I was overcome by tiredness and fell asleep. When I woke up, he was gone ...."

A strange look came over Ah Hoe's face and he said in a trembling voice, "I think ... I think it was his spirit you both saw.  I have heard of supernatural things like this happening, you know.  He wanted to say a final goodbye to you two and to take one last look at his old house."

"You mean we saw his g-ghost?"  I gasped.

Ning nodded. "I didn't want to tell you at that time that I knew Lao Lo had passed away.  You would have been scared to death."

I too had heard of stories of people returning from the dead to be with their loved ones for the last time but never thought I would actually experience such an incident. What other logical explanation could there be for Lao Lo's sudden appearance at his home?

Ah Hoe then turned to Ning and said, "Ning, I told you some time ago that Lao Lo said he would leave all his possessions to you when he died, and he made me promise that I saw to everything.  So now you are the owner of his hut and you can stay in it for as long as you like."

Ning shook his head.  "No, no, what would a cat like me want a hut for?  I think you, as Lao Lo's dear old friend, deserve it more than I do.  It's yours and I will not take "no" for an answer."

"But ... but... I can't .... I have to keep my promise to Lao Lo ...." protested Ah Hoe.

But Ning would not hear any more of Ah Hoe's protests.  He gave him a hug and slowly walked away.

When I got back to the temple, Ning was nowhere to be found.  I rushed out to his hideout but he wasn't there either.  I began to regret I hadn't accompanied him home, what if he did something foolish in his sorrow?

Head Nun was waiting for me in the kitchen when I got back.  She looked at me, then said, "Don't worry about Ning, he'll be alright."

"You know?"  I gasped.  "But how ... who ... ?

Head Nun smiled.  "You won't believe this, but I too saw Lao Lo last night in my dreams.  He had come to say goodbye to an old friend."  She smiled again, this time wistfully, then went into her room.

What did the Buddha say about life ... that nothing is permanent, not our joys, not our sorrows.  Not our dearest of friends.

Goodbye, Lao Lo and may you be forever happy at the lotus feet of the Enlightened One.

**(Readers may remember that Lao Lo and Head Nun were childhood sweethearts when they were living in China).

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