Saturday, January 23, 2016

Heat Wave!

The beginning of the new year had been very hot indeed.  It was especially bad for the nuns as their robes have long sleeves and reach down to their ankles. The temple fans were on 24 hours every day to overcome the heat but still they were not of much help.  Sympathetic devotees lent their standing fans which were very welcome indeed, especially during prayer time.  Most of the nuns had beads of perspiration rolling down their cheeks as they chanted!  A few nuns suggested installing airconditioners in the prayer hall but that was out of the question as the temple couldn't afford them.

Then one day one of the nuns came down with high fever.  Even after taking medication several times a day, the fever kept coming back.  Head Nun then decided to take her to the hospital and we heard to our horror that the poor woman had contracted dengue fever!  She spent about a week in hospital and Head Nun was there every other day making sure she was alright. Some devotees tried to help by recommending cures and remedies but the doctors were skeptical. Fortunately, it was only a minor attack and soon she was back on her feet. Then a couple of days later, another nun fell ill - again a bout of high fever but thankfully this time it was not dengue.

If that wasn't enough, Ning came staggering in one afternoon, his eyes red and bleary.  He slumped down on the floor and almost passed out.  Head Nun, bless her, came hurrying over, put a cold towel on his forehead and carried him to a cool corner of the kitchen.  She left him with comforting words and orders to rest.  A couple of days later, another cat, who also comes to the temple for meals, limped in, terribly sick. Again, Head Nun came to the rescue, picked him up and put him with Ning.

As for me, I was beginning to feel the heat too.  I became nauseatic and my head began to throb terribly. I hoped it wasn't dengue. Lately a number of mosquitoes had been singing in my ears, waiting to drill through my fur and deposit their deadly virus into my body. Maybe my cat blood is sweeter than human blood, that's why they're after me.  So far I have managed to keep them away with a fly swap but when I fall asleep, I know I am at their mercy.

Head Nun, noticing my symptoms, ordered me to rest with the other two cats.  She gave us a table fan to cool us down and an old mat to lie on. Three sick cats in a row - the kitchen was fast becoming an animal hospital!   The nuns too were unwell off and on and Head Nun was the only one who seemed unperturbed by the heat.. She was like a modern day Florence Nightingale, treating both humans and animals alike!

At the time of writing this, Ning and the other cat have recovered and I too feel better.  It had rained for short periods over the last two days but the heat is still unbearable and is expected to last for another two months.   Head Nun looks quite tired, I hope she won't fall sick. 

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