Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Ning Disappears - Pt.3

(Ning continues his story)

Lao Lo was so touched by his old friend's generosity that he sat down and cried.  Wiping tears from his eyes, he said, "My dear friend, always thinking of me!  I wish I could have helped him more when he was alive.  Now with the money he has left me, I can at last build a decent home, instead of having to find shelter in the forest.  Thank you, dear cat. By the way, aern't you the one that fell into the river?  I thought you had drowned!"

"Yes, but that's another story.  Where will you go now?"  I asked.

He shrugged.  "First, I've got to find a suitable place to build a home, preferably near the river so that I can fish everyday for food."

I suddenly remembered the old abandoned hut where Bones and I had spent the night and told Lao Lo about it.

"Lao Lo, why don't you take a look at it, perhaps you can rebuild or repair it ...?"  I suggested.

Lao Lo thought it was a good idea, so we hurried back to the hut.  He looked it over and said excitedly to me, "Yes, I think I can repair it and make it as good as new.  I'm good at carpentry, you know.  Will you help me?"

I hesitated.  I had thought of going back to the temple once I had fulfilled my promise to Bones as I knew Da would be worried about me, but heck, I am needed here much more than back at the temple.  So I said I would stay and help him.

For the next few days, both of us worked hard.  I must say Lao Lo is a master at recycling.  He made tables and chairs from old tree trunks, found an old mattress to sleep on and managed to fit an old grill door which he picked up from a rubbish pit to serve as a new door for his hut!  As for me, well, I helped wherever I could.  In less than a week, he had a reasonably comfortable home to live in!

"Why don't you stay with me, Ning?  Or at least let me give you a small payment for your help," he said, as he stood outside the hut, looking at it with pride, his eyes sparkling with joy.  I was quite taken aback.  I had never expected such an offer, not from him nor from anyone. 

"Thanks, Lao Lo," I said at last.  "But I don't need any payment.  I have to go back to the temple, my friends will be worried about me if I don't.  But I promise I shall come and visit you often."

Lao Lo smiled and said, "I understand.  You and your friends are welcome here any time.  Thank you very much for all you have done for me."  He gave me a big hug and went back inside.

When I arrived at the temple, I was not surprised to see Da hovering at the gate, looking out anxiously.  "Just like you, Da, worrying as usual.  I'm not such a nincompoop as you think I am!"  I laughed to myself.  Da almost keeled over when he saw me coming.

"Ning!  Ning!  I'm so glad you've come back!"  he yelled, jumping up and down excitedly.

"Alright, alright, save the theatrics,"  I said.

"What happened all this while?  Are you alright?"  he bombarded me with questions.

"I'll tell you after you give me some water to drink," I said, giving him a slap on the back.  Really, he made me feel like I'm the prodigal son returning home.

It was only after dinner that I got back to my hideout, after relating my "adventure" to Da, Head Nun and the other nuns. Can't believe everyone is so concerned about me!  What a relief to get away at last! I was tired out and soon drifted off to sleep ....... and suddenly, there I was, reclining on a flight of steps leading to the sky - I saw blurry images of cats up there, looking down at me, then a bright light appeared - a cat angel!  Oh no, not again ....!  It smiled at me, then said sweetly, "Well done, Ning!  We are very pleased with you.  Little did you know it but you have passed a test - you have saved a life and overcome your greed - keep up the good work and you will reap rewards beyond your wildest dreams!"  Then everything slowly vanished.

I woke up with a start.  Darn it, I wish those cats up there would stop bothering me.  Of course I've done well, I was never a "bad guy" right from the start! Now all I want is a good night's sleep, without some busybody cats preaching to me!

"Hey, you guys up there, sorry but just let me get some sleep, okay?"  I yelled into the night.  I could feel a shocked silence but it didn't bother me.  I rolled over and promptly fell asleep.

"Well done, Ning!"

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