Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Whizzing Along the Silky Way - Pt.3

We spent the next two days working hard to repair Lao Tze's computer.  Of course I wasn't much help as I knew very little, if nothing, about computers.  We did not have any visits from Lien Hua but I suspected she knew what was going on.  On the third day, Lao Tze finally said that the computer was functioning something like 80% and by nightfall, we should be able to take off.

"But what about the force field?" I cried.

"Yes - do you remember what Lien Hua said?  She said only a mantra can break it.  Look, you know a number of mantras - try them out!"

"Yes - I forgot about that.  But I'm a little rusty - I have to think hard and revise them in my head."

"Ok, but hurry up with it!" said Lao Tze.

It was true Head Nun had taught me a number of mantras including an ancient Sanskrit one.  I remember she said it was very powerful and had very strong vibrations when recited 108 times.  But could I remember it?  I racked my brain hard - finally the words came back to me, little by little.  I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote them down.  The mantra consisted of only four lines but I had to make sure all the words were correct.

After working hard on it for some time, I said to Lao Tze, "I think I've got it altogether.  I just hope my memory hasn't failed me!"

"Hmmm," said Lao Tze, still concentrating on his computer.  "Ok, just a bit more and we're free - that is if your mantra works."

Finally, just as the evening sun was setting, Lao Tze announced that the computer was functioning 100% and that we were ready to take off.

"Now, my friend, it's time to do your part.  It's now or never."

I took a deep breath and started reciting, my voice trembling nervously.  I went on repeating the mantra and on the 108th count, we heard a loud boom and saw streaks of light fly into the air!

"It worked!  Your mantra worked!  The force field's gone!" yelled Lao Tze.  He pressed something on the computer, the star-ship shook and spluttered a little, then it started to roar and in a matter of seconds, it rose steadily into the air and zoomed into the evening sky.

"We did it!" I cried, numb with excitement as we soared through the dark realms of space.

"Ok, now the star's on cruising mode - we should be home soon, my friend!" said Lao Tze.

He spoke too soon.  All of a sudden, the star-ship gave a frightening jerk and froze in its tracks.

"What - what happened?"  I was shaking with fear.

"I don't know, I was sure all was A-OK...." said Lao Tze, scratching his head.

Suddenly, a shooting star blazed across the sky and stopped a short distance from our star-ship. It glowed in a soft pink light and to our amazement, and horror, we saw that it was Lien Hua, seated on a crescent moon, a pink lotus in her hand.  She was smiling as always and as we looked on mesmerized, she spoke.

"Congratulations, my friends!  You are the few who have managed to escape from the Silky Way Paradise.  I must say I am impressed by how clever and intelligent you both are.  This is the first time I have come across a creature, a cat in this case, who knows one of the most powerful mantras of all times - I am really amazed!  I was quite sure you would not be able to break the force field!"

"Who are you, what do you want with us," I gasped.

"I am what you earth people call a "celestial being"," she said, smiling again.  "I am in reality a ball of light but I take on this human form so that I can communicate better with beings from earth.  I have lived in the Silky Way for eons - sometimes it's pretty boring here, that's why I enjoy playing games with people who pass this way.  All that you saw and experienced in the Silky Way Paradise was nothing but an illusion - it's just one of my favourite past times.  I love to see how confused or how desperate people become when faced with a tricky situation but you two fared excellently!"

"You mean there's no such place as the Silky Way Paradise?  What about that stairway to the sky that your slaves are building?" I asked, quite dazed.

"All an illusion, my dear.  As I told you before, it's just one of the games I love to play.  So you needn't think of coming back to rescue my "slaves" .... ha! ha! ha!  I really enjoyed myself this time!"

"So what do you intend to do with us now?" Lao Tze asked.

"Nothing," said Lien Hua.  "You are free to proceed home - I just wanted to let you know that all that happened was not real.  Goodbye, my friends,  perhaps our paths may cross again one day  ..."  and with that, she laughed again and vanished.

Just as suddenly as it stopped, Lao Tze's star started moving again.

"Well, I certainly hope our paths don't cross again," muttered Lao Tze.

"No wonder you said you don't remember ever coming across the Silky Way Paradise because it doesn't exist," I said.

"Yes, now let's settle back - I shall have you home in a short time."

"Home!  Lao Tze, we forgot to text Head Nun as we promised.  Let's do it now."

Head Nun was sitting in her room quietly drinking a cup of coffee when her iphone buzzed.  She took it up eagerly and read the message.

"Head Nun, we're on our way home.  We're both safe and sound.  Don't wait up for me.  I can't wait to tell you of the incredible adventure we had!  Love, Vege Cat."

Head Nun smiled and shook her head.  "A Mi Tuo Fo" she whispered as she climbed into bed.

"Nothing but an illusion ..."

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