Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Frog Man - Pt.2

The half-frog half-man swam to where I was standing and looked up at me.  I was too stunned to move and I was astonished when I saw tears roll down its cheeks.

"Please don't go away - you've got to help me ...." it cried.

"How - how can I help you?"  I stammered.

"My name is Yunzhi.  I have been put under this terrible spell by the Forest Queen. I have been here in the river for at least a week waiting for someone to come and help me!"

"Spell!  Why did she put a spell on you?"  I asked, wide-eyed.

"I was in the woods cutting wood when she appeared ...."

"Wait a minute!"  I interrupted as I suddenly thought of the old man in the shack.  "Could you be the son of the old man who lives in the shack not far from here?"

"Why, yes, have you seen him?  Is he alright?  I've been so worried ...."

"Yes, he's alright, don't worry.  My friend is taking care of him - your father asked us to search for you.  But tell me the rest of your story ..."

"Thank God he's alright.  Well, I was cutting wood that day when she appeared.  She was so beautiful that I fell in love with her right away.  I of course didn't know she was a witch.  She then asked me to follow her to the mountain across the river where she lives so that we could be together.  But I thought of Father and told her I couldn't go as I had to take care of  him.  She became angry and in her fury she cast this spell on me, turning me into half frog, half man.  I dared not go back to my father's shack, he would die of shock if he saw me like this."

"But how can the spell be lifted?" I asked, bewildered.

"She has a magic potion which can change me back to a human being.  You've got to get it from her, please!"  he begged.

"But I have no idea where is this mountain where she lives and how to get there ...." I protested.

Just then, I heard a rustling of leaves in the tree above me and a voice spoke.

"I will help you get there....."

I looked up but couldn't see anything.  The voice continued, "I am the spirit of the wind.  You cannot see me.  I will take you to the mountain to get the magic potion."

"But how?"

"I can change myself into an eagle and you can sit on my back.  I will fly you there and come back for you when you've got the potion."

"I don't know .... how can you be sure she'll give the potion to me?"

"Use your wile ... I'm sure you will succeed."

"Please, please help me ... for my father's sake ..." pleaded Yunzhi.

I looked at his gruesome face ... how could I not refuse to help him?

"Alright, I shall do my best," I said, trying to sound brave but my stomach was turning cartwheels inside.

"Oh thank you, little cat," cried Yunzhi, his big frog eyes wet with tears.

In a matter of seconds, the spirit of the wind changed itself into a huge eagle and I hopped onto its back.  Soon we were soaring up to the sky, across hills and vales.  I clung on for dear life, it certainly was very different from being on Lao Tze's star!  After a while, we landed on a mountain side.  It was filled with weird looking trees with gnarled tree trunks and ugly branches sticking out.  It was dark and cold and my skin began to crawl.

"We're here!  Now, when you've got the potion, just repeat my name three times and I shall be here instantly to take you back."

With that it flew away, leaving me alone to face the Forest Queen.

(To be continued)

Soon we were soaring up to the sky, across hills and vales ...

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