Thursday, November 22, 2012

To Save a Queen - Pt.2

We arrived at Dragon Island in the late afternoon.  Head Monk took us to a room in the tower of the monastery.  "You all will be safe here," he said.  He brought us some food and told us that he and his monks would be going to the village to do some work and would only be back the next morning.  "Just stay out of sight," he said.

It was around midnight that we heard a commotion downstairs.

"It's Black Eye, he's here!" exclaimed the Black Queen, jumping up.  Before we knew what was happening, the door burst open to reveal a group of snarling black cats.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!  Look who's here!  Did you think you could hide from us?  Seize her!" growled the leader, presumably Black Eye.

"You will never take me alive, Black Eye!  I'd rather die!" yelled the Black Queen and before we could stop her, she had jumped out of the window into the swirling waters of the sea below.

Ning and I stood transfixed, shocked at what had just happened.

"Well, that's taken care of my problem - stupid old witch," laughed Black Eye.  "I can now return to the Black Planet and be King!  Ha! Ha! Ha!"

"What shall we do with those two?" asked one of his conspirators, pointing to Ning and I.

"We have no use for them.  Tie them up and let's go," ordered Black Eye.

Head Monk found us bound and gagged the next morning.  "I can't believe he managed to find this place," he said as he untied us and listened to what had happened.

"We are lucky to be alive, Head Monk, " I said.  "He could have killed us both there and then. Surely the Lord Buddha must have protected us!"

We then ran down to the seashore with a few monks to look for the Black Queen.  "She may have been rescued by someone but I doubt it.  The currents here are very strong, I'm afraid she would have drowned," said one of the monks.  We searched for sometime but there was no sign of her.

Just as we had given up hope, we suddenly saw a big wave roll in from the middle of the sea ... and on it was the Black Queen!  And to our astonishment, behind the wave was our old friend, the dragon!

"I saw your friend jump into the sea last night and picked her up,"  it said.  "I brought her to a small sandbar not far from here to spend the night so that I could return her to you this morning."

"Well done and thanks a lot, dragon friend," I said.

"One good turn deserves another," said the dragon.  With that, it dived back into the sea and disappeared..

We brought the Black Queen back to the monastery to dry herself.

"I can't stay here any more," she said.  "I have got to get back to my kingdom and save it from Black Eye.  Will you help me?"

Ning and I looked at each other.  Help her get back to the Black Planet?  Just how were we going to do that?

(To be continued)
The Black Queen riding on a wave!

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