Saturday, December 1, 2012

To Save a Queen - Pt.3

"You've got to help me," pleaded the Black Queen.

"Well," I said, "The only person who can help you is Lao Tze.  I don't know where he is now, but I will try to signal for him."

In a few moments, Lao Tze appeared.

"The Black Queen wants to return to her planet to save it from Black Eye," I told him.  "You're the only one who can take her there, Lao Tze."

Lao Tze thought for a moment, then said, "Alright, since I have completed my other mission, I will take you back, Black Queen but that's all I can do - the rest is up to you."

"We want to go too!" Ning and I chorused.

"OK, but I must tell you it's a dangerous journey."

The three of us hopped onto Lao Tze's star.  As he had warned us, it was a hazardous journey - we met with hailstones, storms, meteorites and strong winds.  When we finally landed at the Black Planet, we were exhausted.  It was the weirdest place I had ever seen - the sky was completely black - in fact everything around was black. There were no trees, plants or flowers, only rocks and stones.

"How can you live in such a place, Black Queen?  Doesn't the sun ever shine through?"  I asked, shivering in the cold.

"That's our world.  It was believed in the old days, a wicked witch cursed this place with darkness for ten generations, I don't know how true it is but it has been dark since the day I was born."

We then made our way to her castle. There was fire and smoke everywhere from burning homes and the bodies of dead cats were strewn all over the place.

"Oh my God," we exclaimed, shocked at the gruesome sight before us.

"This is the work of that snake, Black Eye," said the Black Queen grimly.

Just then, a group of black cats emerged from the shadows.

"Your Majesty!  How did you get back here?" asked the leader.

"Black Star!  Am I glad to see you!  These are my .... friends .... they brought me back."

"We're ready to storm the castle, will you lead us?" said Black Star.

"Of course!" replied the Black Queen.  Then turning to us, she said, "This is goodbye.  I shall never forget how you have helped me.  Come on, Black Star, we've got work to do!"

With head held high, she marched towards the castle with her followers.

"Good luck, Black Queen," I murmured as I watched them go.

"Come on, let's get out of here before we get into trouble," said Lao Tze.

When we arrived back at the temple, it was in the middle of the night and everyone was fast asleep.  As I settled down to sleep, I couldn't help thinking of the Black Queen.  Had she won her battle against Black Eye or had she been defeated by Black Eye and killed?

I guess we'll never know, I said to myself as I fell asleep.

Arriving at the Black Queen's castle

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