Sunday, March 18, 2012

It's Ning Again!

Yeah, I'm back! After I wrote what I wrote in Da's blog the other day, Da said that he received only three replies. Only three! What a disappointment! I expected his mail box to be deluged by thousands of cat lovers!

Anyway, I went through the emails. The first was from a lady in Spain. She is a widow and lives with 108 cats and wouldn't mind making me her No. 109! Thanks, ma'am, but I don't think I can live in such crowded conditions - it will give me claustrophobia!

The second email is from a sweet lady who wants me to marry her pet cat called Princess. Sorry, lady, but I'm not the marrying kind. Don't take it too hard, you'll be able to find someone else for her, maybe not as handsome as me, but a knight in shining armour will come along.

The third email is unbelievable ...this guy wants to take me out and whisper sweet nothings in my ear! Hey, are you sure you got the right email address?

Oh well, I guess I shall have no choice but to remain in this sleepy hollow of a town. Da says I should count my blessings instead of grumbling. Okay, okay. He's so holy these days; I really don't know how he can sit in the temple and meditate all day long.

Hey, what's this? Something just caught my eye - it's an ad - there's a vacancy in The Long Tails Club for a comedian - hang on, buddies, your search is over - I'm just the guy for you! I've got to rush over there ... see you later!

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