Monday, February 20, 2012

Ning Says a Few Words

Hi there! Yeah, my pal, Da has persuaded me to write a few lines for this blog. My spelling's not too good but Da has done some editing for me, so here goes!

First, a little about myself. Yeah, I'm a little older than Da. I don't live in the temple but in an abandoned house not far away. It's a quiet place surrounded by trees. I sleep on the porch or in the garden under the stars when I feel like it. Nice, huh?

I have my meals at the temple, thanks to the nuns. It's a good life and I guess I don't have any complaints.

What I really want to be is a sailor - to see distant places like Rome, Paris, London. I hear the gals there are gorgeous and sexy - big eyes, silky fur, bushy tails, wow! So that's why I'm looking for a rich, old lady to adopt me. She can take me to all the places I've always wanted to go. I'm not a bad guy really, I can sing, do a jig, even tell stories. I can curl up on your lap and keep you company when you're lonely. Anyone interested? If so, you can email Da and he will pass on your message to me. No kidding, I'm serious, so start sending your email now! By the way, here's another photo of myself. Great profile, huh?

Oh yeah, the Long Tails Club. Da doesn't approve of my going there. True, I've been in a few scrapes but no harm done. I get to meet a lot of interesting characters there and we have some fun. Da is so religious nowadays he doesn't want to come with me. He wants to go to a place called Nirvana and meet the Buddha Himself. Well, good luck to him!

Don't think I have anything more to say. Oh yeah, thanks for reading this bit and see yuh!

Love and kisses,


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