Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Chinese New Year Fun

The temple is always a hive of activitybefore Chinese New Year. There is a lot of work to be done to clean the temple and the nuns spend hours each day scrubbing and polishing. When the new year finally dawns, everyone breathes a sigh of relief and takes time off to relax.

No matter how busy she is, Head Nun never forgets us cats and always prepares a special menu for us on the first day of the new year. On Chap Goh Meh, the 15th and last day of the new year, the nuns make a special dessert called "Pungat" which is sweet potatoes, yam and bananas cooked in coconut milk. I personally find it too sweet but Ning loves it.

"You're putting on weight, Ning," I teased him that evening but he just shrugged and went on gorging himself.

Head Nun had a surprise for us on Chap Goh Meh. She had hired a small van to take the nuns to visit the famous Kek Lok Si Temple not far from us - and we cats could come too! Head Nun explained that the temple is always lit up during Chinese New Year and looks spectacular.

I scrambled excitedly into the van with Ning and after a short ride, we reached the temple. It was indeed beautifully lit up with thousands of coloured bulbs and lanterns.

I had never seen anything like that before and looked in awe and wonder. Some of the nuns took photographs and after spending about an hour there, we returned to the temple.

Ning did not seem very excited about the trip. I suspected he found the hot lights of The Long Tails Club more exciting! I wished I could have brought Lao Tze (my rat friend) along with us but what a commotion he would have caused if the nuns found him sitting at their feet!

As we tumbled out of the van on reaching the temple, Head Nun wished each and every one of us a "Happy New Year". On seeing me, she smiled quizzically and said, "Ah, Vege Cat! I don't know whether you cats have a new year but all the same, I wish you happiness, contentment and peace."

"Thank you, Head Nun," I replied. "I've lived with you here for so long, your new year is also my new year. On behalf of the other cats, I wish you good health and long life!"

Head Nun laughed and chased me off to bed. I could see she was quite pleased with my reply. Ning said a gruff "Thank You" to Head Nun and bowed three times! That sent the nuns into peals of laughter and an embarrassed Ning ran off.

I had never felt so happy as I snuggled into my basket that night.

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