Thursday, August 8, 2024

Whatever Will Be Will Be ...

It's here again, the Hungry Ghost Festival which is going to last one long month.  Since knowing Humpty Dumpty and Pumpkin Head, it has been less scary for me because like the good pals they are, they have assured me they will protect me from naughty or unfriendly spooks who are out to get innocent cats.  So I now I can go to bed without having to hide under my blanket or wear shades!  It is most unfortunate that both of them had such a tragic end to their lives - HD fell ten stories from his apartment and PH was beheaded by loan sharks.  They wouldn't have been able to rest in peace if  Head Nun hadn't given them room in the "Palace" where they now reside happily.

So we were relaxing in the kitchen and HD said that if he had his life to live all over again, he would work hard to be a millionaire.  Apart from giving himself all the best in life, he would also do charitable work, like building schools, houses for the poor, etc. etc.  PH said all he wanted is to be born in a big family where he would be loved by his brothers and sisters and of course his parents because he had been an orphan all his life and never knew love.

"And what would you want to be, Vege Cat?  Surely not a cat again?" HD asked me.

I wanted to say that it is my goal to be free from this cycle of birth and death and never be born again, but thought that maybe that would be too difficult for two ghosts to understand.  So I said, "I will be whatever the Buddha wants me to be."

The two ghosts gave me the "thumbs up", I went to bed and so ended another day.

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