Saturday, September 17, 2022

You Sow What You Reap


Loving greetings!  We live today in a world full of stress, ego, greed  and many other negative emotions.  Here is an inspiring short story of the Buddha to help us ponder over our thoughts and actions and become better persons.

Buddha and his disciples never stay in one place for a long time. Because it will be a burden to the villagers as they depend on villagers for their food.

One day Buddha went to a village he had never been to before. He knocked on the door of one of the houses in the village with his begging bowl. After some time, a lady came out. She became furious to see a monk with a begging bowl in his hand.

The lady started abusing Buddha, “You are looking fit enough to work. Instead, you want to have food without working”. And she kept on abusing him. But Buddha stood still, listening without any reaction and waiting for her to finish.

She paused to catch her breath. Then she asked, “Why are you standing as stone! You can say something.”

Buddha said, “Mother, if an offer has come and it is not accepted, to whom does it belong?”

The lady replied, “I offer you nothing. Just get out of my place”.

Buddha gently replied, “Mother, from the time I met you, you have been offering me whatever you have?”

The lady realized that Buddha was referring to the abuses. She asked “So, your question is, if the offer is not accepted, to whom does it belong.”

Buddha smiled back.

The lady realized her mistake, and she bowed to Buddha for forgiveness.

Buddha said, “As a mirror reflects an object and like a standstill, the lake reflects the sky, taking care what you speak and how you act is always good.  Every good thing you do, you will always get back goodness, and for every harm you do, you will always get back the same”.

She thanked Buddha and bought some food for him. Buddha thanked her and continued his journey.

So remember, whatever you give to others, you will get the same in return.

With Metta,


(Story from

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