Saturday, May 7, 2022

Lord Buddha and the Floor

Loving greetings!  With Wesak around the corner, here's another lovely story which I would like to share with you.

There was once a majestic temple laid with marble flooring.  Inside its hall was a marble Buddha image.  One night, the floor asked the Buddha image, "You and I were made from the same material, how is it that I'm on the floor, stepped by humans, and you are sitting up there being respected?"

The Buddha image answered, "Remember when we were both just two pieces of marble?  When the stone carver was trying to carve you, you complained on the pain and discomfort it will cause.  For me, I was able to take the pain and went through the process of being carved and polished.  Hence I became an exquisite statue admired by many, while you, being afraid of hardship, was laid on the floor."

Moral: We tend to complain of the present situation we are in and feel jealous of others' success.  Why not ask ourselves, "Are we willing to undertake the hardship and challenges needed for success?  The ultimate success is the attainment of Enlightenment.  Have we put in the required effort?  Let us not grumble about our present state.  We are the karmic results of our very own actions!

With Metta,


(Story from "The Daily Enlightenment")

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