Thursday, April 13, 2017

A Miracle of Love - Pt.2

When Lao Lo heard of Mi Mi's plight, he immediately offered his home as a temporary shelter until the cats' new home was ready.  A number of kind temple devotees had pooled their resources together to build a simple shack for the cats and it was expected to be completed in two weeks.

It was a good arrangement and Ning also went along to Lao Lo's place to help out.  One evening, I decided to visit them and was happy to see that all was going well.  Lao Lo, the expert fisherman, was supplying the cats' daily fish and there was plenty for everyone.

After Ning had helped Mi Mi put the kittens to bed, we stepped out on the porch for some fresh air. Lao Lo had gone to the village on some errands and would be back late.

Ning was looking a little disturbed.

"Da," he began.  "Do you remember the old man on the bicycle whom we met that day at the ruins of Tom's house?"

"Yes," I replied.  "Why?"

"Well, I noticed that he had been coming here every evening after Mi Mi and the cats moved in.  But he always stayed near the jacaranda tree out there and wouldn't come in, although I invited him several times.  He seems to be watching the place."

"Ning, I've got a funny feeling about him, I'll tell you later.  Will he show up again this evening, I wonder?"

"Look, he just came, there by the jacaranda tree," said Ning, pointing.

"I've got to talk to him," I said and ran quickly towards the old man.

"Sir," I greeted him.  "We didn't have the opportunity to thank you for returning Mi Mi and the cats to us at the temple the other day.  But I don't understand. I thought you said they had all been killed in the fire! How come they are still alive?  And how did you know where to bring them?  I don't think we told you about the temple where we live. And why are you here?  Are you worried about the cats .... then again, how did you know that they're here at Lao Lo's place?"

The old man smiled.  "You ask too many questions, my friend." he said, his eyes twinkling like stars in the evening sky.

"Sir, I'm sorry I have so many questions, but please tell me, are you some kind of angel and did you bring the cats back to life?"  I asked, searching desperately for an answer.

The old man smiled again.  "It's best that some questions are left unanswered, my friend.  Let's just say that where there is love, pure love, there will always be miracles."

He gazed at Lao Lo's hut and I could swear his eyes misted.  For a while, he was silent, then he turned to me and said, "I'm going home tonight.  I've been away too long and they're calling me to go back."

"They?"  I asked.  "Who are they? And where is your home?"

"I live far, far away from here.  Goodbye, my dear and take good care of the cats."

He climbed on his bicycle and prepared to leave.

"Wait, wait...."  I cried.  "I don't even know your name!"

He turned and said, his eyes twinkling, "My name is ...... Tom." And he disappeared into the shadows of the trees, bicycle and all.

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