Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Mooning over the Moon

Yay!  The Hungry Ghost Festival is over, the spooks have returned home and I can sleep soundly again!  The Mid Autumn Festival is here at last and Ning and I are looking forward to sitting under the moonlight with the nuns and biting into those sweet, delectable mooncakes ... yummy!

Yesterday evening, Head Nun read to us a poem written by Su Shi, the famous writer, poet, calligrapher, painter and a Statesman of the Song Dynasty.  It was about the moon festival, so beautifully written.  Here it is, hope you enjoy it!


When is there moonlight?
Wine cup in hand, I ask the deep blue sky
Not knowing in those celestial palaces on high,
What year it is tonight.

I long to fly on the wind,
Yet dread those crystal towers, those courts of jade,
Freezing to death among those icy heights,
Instead I rise to dance with my pale shadow.

Better off, after all, in the world of men,
Rounding the red pavilion
Stooping to look through gauze windows,
The moon shines on the sleepless.

The moon should know no sadness,
Why then is she always full when dear ones are parted?
As men's grief and joy, parting and union,
So the moon is bright or dim, waxes and wanes,
Always some flaw, so it has been since of old.

My one wish for you is long life
And to share in this loveliness far, far away.


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