Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The Spooks are Back!

Oh oh, it's that time of year again - it's the "Hungry Ghost Festival" which falls in the 7th month of the Chinese lunar calendar, the time when the spooks come out to play!  The temple is busy during the day with devotees coming to the columbarium to pray but once evening sets in, it's quiet again.

Ning, due to his "bad" experience last year, is avoiding the temple at night.  He only comes for breakfast and lunch and disappears after that.  I suppose after seven years at the temple, I should be used to spooks floating around me but still, I get the creeps during the night.  Now where the heck did I put my sleep shades?  I won't be able to sleep without them tonight.

It's 1 a.m. and I'm still awake.  I can't find my sleep shades, so have to keep my eyes tightly shut. What was that?  Sounds like a door closing.  I continue to keep my eyes shut.  A strong wind is beginning to blow, the windows are rattling and I can hear things flying about outside.

Suddenly, I feel someone or something touch my shoulder.  I instantly recall what one of the nuns told me - that if you feel a tap on the shoulder or hear your name called in the middle of the night, you should NOT by any means turn back to look.  She also told me that ghosts float a few centimeters above the ground, so I should be careful and don't just talk to anyone.

I dare not open my eyes and freeze in my basket.  Then I hear a husky voice in my ear .... "Hello, Handsome!"  My heart almost stops beating.  I can feel something hovering over me.  I struggle to open my mouth to scream for help and finally manage a weak "HELP!"

The lights suddenly come on and I hear someone exclaim, "For goodness sake, Vege Cat, it's only me."

I recognise Head Nun's voice and jump up.

"Head Nun!  Thank God it's you!  I think a ghost was trying to get me ....." I shriek.

"Don't be silly, Vege Cat, there's no one here except me.  You must have been dreaming again.  I heard you scream, so I came out to take a look at you. If you're that scared, you can sleep in my room."

I run into her room without further invitation and curl up under her bed.  I'm not sure whether I had been dreaming, but what I experienced a little while ago felt very real.  I can hear Head Nun chanting softly and I join in too.... .Om Mani Padmi Hum, Om Mani Padmi Hum, Om Mani Padmi Hum ..

Head Nun once told me to be mindful of all my fears and allow them to be my teacher.  I ponder over that for a while and when I next open my eyes, it's daybreak.  Another day, another opportunity to practise what I have learnt ....and I hope I won't have a close encounter with a wandering spook somewhere along the way ....

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