Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Cat Wisdom - Quality not Quantity

I love the story of Buddha and his little rattle drum.  For those who have not read it, it goes like this.  The Lord Buddha used to keep with him a little rattle drum and when his disciples asked him why, He replied that He would play on the drum the day a person who has made the greatest sacrifice approaches Him.

The story goes on to say that a rich Maharajah loaded his elephants with valuable treasures and offered them to the Buddha.   He hoped to win His praise and anxiously waited for Him to sound his drum.  However, the Buddha did not use it.  

A little while later, a hungry old woman staggered up to Him and offered Him a pomegranate instead of keeping it for herself.  The Buddha accepted it and immediately sounded his drum.  Terribly disappointed, the Maharajah asked the Buddha why He sounded his drum at receiving a small fruit while he had offered Him so much wealth.

The Buddha replied: "Maharajah! In sacrifice, it is not quantity that counts. It is the quality of sacrifice that matters. It is natural for a Maharajah to offer gold. But what great sacrifice is made when a hungry old woman offers the pomegranate fruit to the Guru despite her hunger. She did not care even for her life and gave the fruit. What greater sacrifice can there be? It is not a sacrifice to offer what is superfluous for you. True sacrifice means giving up that which is most dear to you, that which you value most." 

Whenever I think of that story, I look at my little blue blanket.  I love my little blue blanket, it's so warm and cosy and has served me for years.  Will I  be willing to give it to someone who may be shivering out there in the rain?  Or will I just make some excuse, blah, blah, blah and keep it? 

 The Lord Buddha has not put me to the test yet.  When He does, I'll let you know .....

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