Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Going Home - Pt.1

Things had been rather quiet since my return from Lao Lo's place by the river.  Ning had stayed back at Lao Lo's request; I guess the old man is rather lonely and he and Ning seem to get on quite well.

I was resting in the kitchen after chasing a rat when one of the nuns announced that I had a visitor.  I couldn't imagine who it was.  I went out to the porch and saw to my surprise that it was Cousin Li.  I hadn't seen him for nearly two years, I think.

"Cousin Li!  This is a surprise!  How have you been?"  I asked.

"Da, I've been very well, thank you." he replied.  He then told me he had been very busy taking care of his two kittens together with his wife, Lucy.

I was delighted that he had two kids at last.  "But what brings you here?"  I asked.

Cousin Li looked at me, a serious expression on his face.

"Da, do you remember when was the last time you saw your Mum?"  he asked.

I thought a bit, probably about three years ago, when she came to the temple to visit me.

"What's the matter, is she ill?"  I asked anxiously.

"Well, she hasn't been quite well since your Pa left her some months back.  Your brothers too have also left home.  She's pretty lonely and I thought perhaps ... perhaps you might like to go home and see her."

I was rather dumfounded by the news that my Pa had left Mum.  I had always thought he would stay by her side and take care of her.  I suddenly felt quite guilty that I had not paid her a visit in recent months; I had been so caught up with my own adventures that I had completely forgotten about her.

"Of course I'll go and see her," I said.  "Just let me tell Head Nun before we go."

Head Nun said I could stay with Mum for as long as I wished and generous as always, packed a food parcel for me to take along for Mum.  We bid her farewell and left the temple in the late afternoon.

"It's quite a long way from here," said Cousin Li.  "Your Mum is now staying with an old lady in the country.  It will take us at least an hour to walk there."  On the way, Cousin Li filled me in on what had been happening in his life and things in general.

I was still thinking about Pa.  Why did he leave Mum?  As far as I could remember, he had always loved her dearly.  As though reading my thoughts, Cousin Li said that he didn't know the reason for Pa's disappearance.  She had woken up one day and he was gone.  My siblings had left earlier as they wanted "to see the world". I could understand that, but Pa?

We arrived at the old lady's house just as the sun was setting.  Mum was sleeping on a bench in the garden.  I walked quietly up to her.  It saddened me to see how old she had become.  Some of her whiskers were missing and her once gleaming fur was now dull and rough with age.

"Mum, it's me," I whispered softly.  She opened her eyes and I saw the surprise on her face.

"Da, Da, is it really you?" she cried, tears running down her cheeks.

 I didn't know how long we sat there, but the sun had already set and the sky was darkening, like a storm was about to break.

(To be continued)

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