Sunday, July 28, 2013

Planet of the White Winged Cats - Pt.1

It was one of those light, breezy days that brought me down to the river again.  It was so peaceful and quiet there and I sat contentedly on the grass bank, sometimes meditating, sometimes just letting the world go by.

It was then that I heard the plaintive cries of a kitten, or was it more than one kitten?  I got up and went in the direction of the cries and lo and behold, I found three little white kittens lying there in the grass!  They seemed to be lost or maybe their mother had abandoned them.  I went up close to them and tickled them gently.  Unfortunately, that made them cry even louder!  Then, all of a sudden, I heard a voice from behind, "Touch not my babies!"

Startled, I turned round and saw to my amazement a huge white cat, probably three times my size, glaring at me.  What was even more amazing she had beautiful purplish blue wings sprouting from her body. It certainly looked like she was not from the planet Earth.  As I gaped at her, she moved closer to her kittens to make sure they were alright.

"Who are you and where are you from?"  I ventured, stepping back a little in case she turned violent.

She looked piercingly at me, then said,

"I know not who you are,
But you look like a kind soul,
I come from a different world,
My story I shall unfold.
Blue Wings is my name, and
The Planet of the White Winged Cats is my home."

I was astonished.  I had never heard a cat speak like that before and I certainly never knew such a planet existed.

She continued,

"All our lives we have lived there in peace and harmony
But horror and tragedy now prevail,
We are not safe there anymore for
He comes by night and devours our babies,
A huge horrible creature in black with fiery red eyes and wings,
So escape we must from our homes
To the far corners of the world we must roam."

 She paused here and asked:  "My story do you believe, if not I shall take my leave."

"Well, I don't know ... I mean I know nothing about your planet ... can't your people put up a fight against this monster?"

She shook her head sadly.

"Powerless we are against him,
His might is ten times ours.
He that kills can only be destroyed
By a brave soul from another planet
With three golden arrows straight through his heart.
A certain cat from Earth we have heard
Who goes by the name of Da,
Stories of his bravery and valour have spread afar,
Know you where I can find him
For back to our planet this brave soul I must bring."

I was speechless.  Cats from another planet millions of miles away had actually heard of me!  Of course my ego was inflated and I was tempted to say "Search no more, I am he you are looking for!" but I remained silent.  After all, I couldn't even throw a spear, let alone shoot arrows! Perhaps it was best I said I didn't know anyone of that name and disappear...

Then who should come along ... none other than Ning.

"Da! I was looking for you everywhere ...." he drawled.

Blue Wings looked at me and exclaimed,

"So Da is your name,
You are the one of great courage and fame,
Help us you must
For our planet shall soon be turned to dust."

"What's this all about?" asked Ning, looking curiously at Blue Wings.  I felt like telling him to get lost.

He listened wide eyed while Blue Wings told her story again.

"Well, Da," said Ning, after she had finished.  "Looks like you've got a new job!"

I couldn't say anything.  Whatever made him think fighting monsters is my cup of tea?  I'm definitely not one of the Knights of the Round Table!  Blue Wings looked at me pleadingly, so did her three little kittens.

"You just can't turn your back on them," said Ning.  Well, it was ok for him to say anything, he wasn't going to do the fighting and get killed by some blood thirsty monster!

"But I don't even know how to handle a bow and arrow ..."  I protested.

"Fear not, kind sir, for
We shall teach you."
Blue Wings cried.

I protested further but she kept looking at me imploringly until I couldn't stand it any more.

"Alright, I will help you," I finally said, wondering who put those words in my mouth.  "But I would need help from my friend, Lao Tze."

"Our grateful thanks, my friend,
For your help we shall never forget,
Your kindness you shall not regret." 

so sang Blue Wings.

Sometimes I think I'm the most stupid and mushy hearted creature around on this planet..

"Touch not my babies!"

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