Friday, July 12, 2013

A Reddish Brown Leaf

I woke up one morning, my head spinning.  It felt like a ton of bricks had fallen on it.  I was shivering with cold and aches and pains ran through my whole body.  I didn't even have the energy to get up.

One of the nuns, noticing that I hadn't got up for breakfast, came over and asked whether I was feeling well. She ran a light hand over my fevered body and exclaimed, "Or Mi Tor Foh!  You are very ill, indeed!"  Within a short while, she had arranged for someone to take me to the vet.

On arrival there, I was given a small cubicle separate from other animals in case what I had was contagious.  The vet supervisor, Ms. Li checked me and decided to give me a shot to bring the fever down.

In the next few days, I was one day hot, another day cold and it looked like the fever had not subsided.  "That's strange," muttered Ms.Li.  "Usually the shot I gave you works for just about every one."  She went to consult someone or other and later came back with some medication which she asked me to swallow.  "You're going to be alright, dear," said Ms. Li assuringly.

But after five days in the vet, I was still not well.  I could hardly drink or eat, let alone get up.  It looked like it was the end of the road for me.

Then one night, after tossing in my sleep assailed by nightmares, I suddenly felt a cool breeze enter the cubicle.  It swept over my face and whole body and I felt a gentle hand caress my hot forehead.  I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up and opened my bleary eyes, I found I was not inside my cubicle anymore.  Instead, I was lying on a bed of soft leaves and roses while a cool breeze fanned my hot cheeks.  Again that gentle hand caressed my forehead and I heard a soothing voice in my ear, "You're going to be well, don't worry."  I tried to lift my head to see who it was but I couldn't.  Day after day, that invisible hand soothed my troubled head and body and fed me.

I didn't know how long I spent there in the care of my invisible friend but after some time, I began to feel better.  I could sip some water and drink some milk.  After what seemed like eternity, I could say I was feeling my old self again.  I slowly got up and looked about me.  It was most strange.  It looked like I was floating on some kind of cloud suspended in a rosy hued sky.  I was surrounded by other billowing clouds and my first thought was that I had died and had gone to (hopefully) Cat Heaven, but I couldn't see any other cats or cat angels around.

"Hello .." I called out.  "Is anyone there?"

Silence.  I called again.  Still no one answered.  I didn't know what to do.  If I moved, I might just fall out from my cloud.  Finally, I lay back and fell asleep.

When I woke up, I found to my surprise that I was back in the vet's cubicle.  Surely I had been dreaming?  Then I heard a noise at my door and Ms. Li's astonished face appeared.

"Vege Cat!  Where have you been?  You were missing for more than a week and all the nuns were worried sick!  Who brought you back here?"

I was even more astounded than she was.

"You mean. .. you mean I wasn't here for the past week or so?"

"Yes," said Ms. Li.  "We searched for you everywhere, thinking that the bolt on the door had come loose and you had wandered off in a feverish state, not knowing what you were doing.  Well, whatever happened, am I glad to see you back!  You certainly look much better now.  Let me check you."  She gave me a thorough check, said I was clear of all fever now and that I could go home later.

After she had gone, I lay back in my cubicle and thought over the whole incident.  It looked like I had not been dreaming, I was missing from my cubicle which could only mean I had been taken somewhere by someone or something, given treatment and sent back when I was well.  But where?  It certainly didn't look like any place on earth.

As I pondered, I suddenly felt that familiar, cool breeze sweep into my cubicle.  I knew at once it was my invisible friend.

"Wait, wait," I cried.  "I want to talk to you, to thank you ....."

I thought I heard a little chuckle, then suddenly all was quiet and still.  I looked around me, hoping I could see someone.  Then I spotted it - a small reddish brown leaf near where I was sitting.  I picked it up.  It certainly wasn't in the cubicle before.  As I looked at it, something buzzed in my head.

"This leaf ... I've seen it before ..." I cried.  "Yes, it's one of the Forest Queen's leaves!"

As realization dawned, I was so excited I jumped up and down, yelling at the top of my voice: "Your Majesty!  You saved my life!  Thank you, thank you ..."

Ms. Li heard the commotion and came running.

"What happened? Is there something wrong?"

I quietened down and said, a smile on my lips: "No, nothing's wrong, Ms.Li.  I'm ready to go home now ..."

Had I died and gone to Cat Heaven?

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