Friday, May 10, 2013

Autumn Leaves - Pt.2

We talked far into the night.  The Forest Queen listened, enthralled, as I told her that Gautama Buddha was born a prince who left the comforts of his palace home to lead an ascetic life and how he found enlightenment under the Bodhi tree.

I told her about the Four Noble Truths. I told her about the Eightfold Path.  I recited a few mantras and explained their meaning.  I was really quite astounded that a "witch", if she may now be called that, should show so much interest in a subject like Buddhism!  Finally, I told her about meditation and how it is done.  "I would like to give it a try," she said eagerly and sat up straight, folding her legs in front of her.

As we sat there quietly watching our breath, we suddenly realized that a light had appeared in the sky. We looked up and saw to our amazement that it was an image of the Buddha!  It was radiating beautiful white and pink light all around and as we gazed at His calm, serene face, we felt an inner peace that was indescribable.  Then just as suddenly as it had appeared, it vanished, leaving behind an empty sky, devoid of its auspicious visitor.

 "Did we really see the Buddha?" the Forest Queen gasped breathlessly.

"We did, Your Majesty,"  I replied, just as thrilled as she was.  "How lucky we are that He appeared to give us His blessings."

"Yes ...." she murmured, still in a daze.

Then, turning to me, she said, "Cat, you don't know what a big favour you have done me this evening.  You have not only told me about the wonderful teachings of the Buddha but also helped me to get a glimpse of the great teacher himself.  I shall be eternally grateful to you  ....."  She paused and looked at me.

"I'm dying, Cat," she said quietly.  

"W-what?"  I gasped, shocked.  "Your Majesty, I hope you're not pulling my leg again!"

"No, I'm not ... I'm dying ... I have lived here, among these beautiful trees, for more than two hundred years.  I have watched many of them spring up from young green shoots to become big, strong trees.  I have loved every minute of my time here ... and you have made my last moments so meaningful ... now it's time for me to go...."

"Go!  But where will you go?"  I cried, a lump in my throat.

She looked up at the sky.   "I don't know ... maybe I'll become one with the wind, maybe I'll just be another leaf on a tree ....when you wake up tomorrow, I shall be gone.  Will you do me one last favour?"

"Of course," I said, a tear running down my cheek.  What the heck, I couldn't believe I was actually crying because of a witch!  What was even worse, I had grown to like her!

"When you wake up, you will find my "ashes" - red, yellow and brown leaves - under that tree.  I want you to scatter them all around, under the trees that I love so much far as possible ..... can you do that?"

I nodded, unable to speak.  She smiled gently, kissed the top of my head and said, "Now let's both get some sleep."  I didn't want to sleep but somehow my eyes closed wearily and I fell into a deep slumber.

When I woke up, I wondered whether I had been dreaming.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty ...."  I cried, looking around me.  But there was only silence.  Then I saw the pile of red, yellow and brown leaves under the tree she had pointed out to me.  I ran towards it and remembering what she had said, I picked up the leaves and scattered them all around.  I ran from tree to tree with the leaves and when I was finally satisfied that I had fulfilled her request, I sat down to rest.

It was then that I realized that I didn't even know where I was or how to get back home.  Just as the thought rose in my mind, I found myself back in a flash in the forest just outside Yunzhi's shack!

"Thanks, Your Majesty, wherever you are," I yelled.  I thought I heard a twinkling little laugh, but I couldn't be sure. I walked slowly back to the temple .... somehow, I got the feeling that I hadn't seen the last of my mischievous forest friend!

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty ...."

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