Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Dragon Island - Pt.2

Om and I left the monastery at the crack of dawn the next day.  We followed the directions of the Head Monk to the lake and were soon trudging along muddy paths with thick undergrowth.  Leeches clung stubbornly to our feet and once in a while we had to avoid a snake that slithered into our path.  Poor Om, who was still in his saffron robe, got a good share of mosquito and insect bites!

We plodded on till midday and still there was still no sign of the lake.  I was so tired at times that Om had to carry me on his shoulders!  Finally, we saw a glimmer of water and there it was, a huge lake surrounded by tall trees and rocks.

"Da, be careful - goodness knows what's in that lake.  Oh, I wish I knew how to swim, then we could both go in together.  Good luck, my friend!" said Om.

I took a deep breath and dived into the blue waters of the lake.  I suddenly realised I hadn't the faintest notion where to start searching for the pearl necklace.  For a while, I swam here and there, looking among the colourful coral at the bottom of the lake.  Then, I saw it - the pink pearl necklace - lying at the sandy bottom of the lake next to a starfish.  I quickly picked it up and hooked it to my collar, then made my way up to the surface.

The pink pearl necklace at last!

I was feeling quite jubilant now that I had found the necklace but my joy was short lived when to my horror, I found myself face to face with a monstrous fish!  It had big bulging eyes and a mouth big enough to swallow me whole! I backed away in panic and hid behind some sea weeds but it had seen me and before I knew what was happening, it had grabbed my tail and was pulling me down to the murky bottom of the lake!  I struggled to free myself but could not.

Face to face with a monstrous fish

"This is the end," I thought as I went further and further down into the waters of the lake.  I had never dreamt I'd end up in a watery grave but it looked like it was going to happen.

Suddenly, I heard Lao Tze's voice.  It said, "Get out your golden star and shine it in its face ...!".  I had forgotten all about my star and quickly pulled it out.  With much effort, I twisted myself round and shone the star in the face of the fish as Lao Tze had told me.  I saw to my astonishment that strong beams of light started shooting from the star straight into the face of the fish, blinding it!  It let out a loud yelp, let go of my tail and fled.  I floundered in the water for a while, still dazed from shock and after some time managed to swim up to the surface of the lake.

Om was waiting anxiously for me and he pulled me out of the water.  Exhausted, I lay on the grass to catch my breath back.

"I've got it, Om, look!" I gasped, showing him the pearl necklace. I told him what had happened and how Lao Tze had once again saved me. Om put the necklace carefully into the inner pocket of his robe and after I had recovered, we both made our way back to the monastery. The sun was already setting when we reached the monastery. Tired as we were, we headed for the sea shore with the precious pearl necklace.

(To be continued)

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