Saturday, October 27, 2012

Return to Nirvana - Pt.1

It took me one week to fully recover from my horrible experience at the Garden of the Dead.  Head Nun, Ning and the other nuns paid a lot of attention to me and nursed me back to health with much love and care.    Ning said he would never be able to repay me for saving his life but I assured him he owed me nothing.

A few nights after I recovered, Lao Tze paid me a visit.

"Wonderful news for you, my dear," he said, eyes twinkling.  "The Lord Buddha heard of your courage, valour and selfless love for another being, so He has decided to reward you by letting you spend a day in Nirvana!  How about that?"

"I don't believe it!"  I cried.  "Are you sure He said that?"

"Yes, I'm sure," said Lao Tze, laughing.  "Now, are your ready?  I can take you right now or if you prefer some other time ..."

"No, no, right now is fine," I yelled, thrilled beyond words.

"Okay, hop on my star and we shall be on our way. I have already left a note for Head Nun, so don't worry," said Lao Tze.

We zoomed into the sky and flew past clouds, stars, unknown planets.  Then, just as we were nearing Nirvana, Lao Tze spotted something looming ahead of us.  It was in fact coming directly towards us!

"What the devil is that," muttered Lao Tze.

As the "thing" loomed nearer, we saw it was a huge spaceship.  It was then that we saw the emblem on top of it - a huge black cat ...!

"It's the Black Queen!" yelled Lao Tze.  "The spaceship is sucking us into its hold - I don't have enough power to resist it!"

Terrified, I clung on to Lao Tze.  In a short while, we found ourselves inside the spaceship and surrounded by dozens of black cats - the Black Queen's soldiers!  One of them, who looked like a General, then spoke: "Welcome!  You are now in the Black Queen's ship, "Black Thunder".  I have orders to bring you two immediately before her.  Come!"

We were taken along winding corridors and finally entered a large hall.  It was dark and eerie and yellow flames danced on its walls.  Inside was a red throne with gold carvings and on it sat .... the Black Queen!

"Well, well, look who's here," she snarled, then laughed that hideous, cackling laugh of hers.

"How dare you kidnap us," said Lao Tze, trying to be calm.

"Kidnap you?  Who said anything about kidnapping?  You're my guests," she replied, still laughing.

"What do you want with us?" retorted Lao Tze.

"As if you don't know, you silly rat!  Seize the cat!" she commanded her soldiers.

Before I knew what was happening, a couple of soldiers pounced on me and held me in a steely grip.  I tried to struggle free but they were too strong for me.

"I want you to take me to Nirvana immediately!" she screamed at Lao Tze.  "If you refuse, I shall have your friend here thrown in my dungeon of snakes.  They shall crush him to death or swallow him alive, whichever way they fancy their meal! Ha! Ha! Ha!"

"Help me, Lao Tze," I gasped, still struggling.

"Now, are you going to take me to Nirvana or not?" she shrieked, glaring at Lao Tze with bloodshot eyes.

"You leave me no choice," said Lao Tze, his face as white as a sheet.

"I knew you would come to your senses!  Follow me! No harm shall come to your friend so long as you co-operate."

She marched out of the hall followed by Lao Tze and the soldiers.

I was thrown into a cage and the door locked.  There was nothing I could do except pray.

(To be continued)

"Take me to Nirvana or else ..."

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