Thursday, July 5, 2012

A Close Encounter of A Third Kind - Pt.1

Lady Arabella II

Well, what do you know ... Ning has always said he has no time for females but during the Festival of the Patriotic Poet the other day, he proved himself wrong.

Many devotees had come to the temple to pray and one of them brought her pet cat - a saucy little thing, all white, and wearing a red polka dotted hat and what looked like a brown wig.  Frankly, I thought she looked horrible but Ning nearly swooned when he saw her.

Her mistress had gone to get something and she was sitting there all alone when Ning saw her.  He couldn't take his eyes off her and it was several minutes before be plucked up courage to approach her.

"Hi," he said in his best deep voice.  She turned and looked at him.

"Good morning, I'm Lady Arabella II, and I come from a line of royal princes and princesses from the beautiful country of England.  And who are you?"

"Er - I'm - I'm Ning," he stammered.  I could see he was a little taken aback by what she had said.

"Really. And what royal family do you come from ... if any?"

I saw that Ning's face had turned red and he didn't know what to say.  I couldn't bear to sit there just watching and listening, so I went over and said, "Ning is from a line of famous cat warriors from China.  They ruled over the kingdom of Cat-Mandu during the 18th century."  I didn't know where I got that from but I had to save Ning from embarrassment.

"Really," she said, looking Ning up and down.  "You don't look like a warrior to me.  Anyway, do you play chess?  I was this year's National Cat Chess Champion."

"Ning has no time to play chess.  He trains cats to be warriors and is really very good at it," I retorted, getting a little steamed up. Good grief, this female sure knows how to boast!

"He doesn't play chess, so he's no fun at all."  she replied.  "What about you?  You're very cute!"  She turned and fluttered her eyelashes at me.

I was appalled.  Fancy trying to turn her charm on me!

Just then, to my relief, her owner came along and carried her off.

"Good riddance," I said.  "Ning, she's a snob, a flirt, don't waste your time on her."

"Well, she seemed to like you," said Ning bitterly.  "You shouldn't have jumped in and interfered."

"I wasn't interfering, Ning," I protested.  "I was only trying to help you."

"Just mind your own business next time!"

"Alright, alright," he growled.  "Cat-Mandu!  Really! Just mind your own business next time."  With that, he stormed off.

This was the first time we had ever had a fight - and over a silly, looking female.

(To be continued)

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