Thursday, June 15, 2023

The Wheel of Karma - Pt. 3


Not long after, Shab gave birth to three lovely kittens, two like her and one the splitting image of Larry.  The old ladies were very happy for her and regarded themselves as the kittens' grandmas!  Larry was of course very busy now, not only as a caregiver but also a father!  

I wish I could continue the story on a happy note but unfortunately, the wheel of karma had not stopped turning.  One day, when the kittens were about two months old, Larry was knocked down by a hit and run driver and died of his injuries a few days later.  Shab was devastated, so were the two old ladies.  They buried him under a tree in their garden not far from the window where Shab sleeps, so that she could be near him everyday. She soon became very depressed and refused to eat or drink.  The two ladies were at the end of their tether and didn't know what to do.

Then one morning, one of the old ladies did not wake up.  She had died peacefully in her sleep.  It was a big blow for the other lady who had grown up together with her.  They were like two peas in a pod.  The whole house sank into deep gloom and despair.

It was then that Larry's owner, Ms. Oh came to the rescue.  She invited Shab and her kittens to stay with her so that her other cat, a feline by the name of Lucy, could look after the kittens and also be a companion for Shab.  Ms. Oh is a single lady in her fifties and doesn't have any family, so she had a lot of free time and was only too willing to help out.  Added to this, she also invited the remaining old lady to stay with her so that she could take care of her.  It was a very kind act on her part and gradually life returned to normal, though memories of happier times still lingered.

I was of course saddened by all that had happened. Life had been very cruel to Shab, perhaps because of past karma.  It had given her much pain and robbed her of those whom she loved so dearly.  The only consolation is that she has her kittens and they will serve as a wonderful memory of the wonderful love she shared with Larry.

As someone said, "Life brings tears, smiles and memories.  The tears dry, the smiles fade but the memories last forever."

Good luck, Shab, and don't worry.  Larry will be with you in spirit always.

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