Wednesday, April 19, 2023

One Last Peg (Pt.1)


(Story as told by Ning)

It was not until we covered the alleys and back lanes to warn the stray cats of Jack the Cat-ripper that I became aware of the many homeless cats there are in our area.  They live among filthy rubbish bins which they ransack everyday for leftovers to eat and many are old and sickly.  It was quite depressing to see them living in such conditions and I wished I could do something to give them a better life.  

Now I know what Da means when he always tells me to "Count your blessings".  I live with Ah Hoe in his hut, have plenty to eat and enjoy myself at the Club off and on.  Compared to these cats, you can say I'm living like a prince.   

Yet again, these cats seem to prefer to live off the streets even though there are several cat shelters around, not forgetting homes of families who love cats. They enjoy their freedom and don't want to be tied down by humans.

There was one particular old cat whom I felt very sorry for. They call him "Lau Hor" (Old Tiger) because he was very fierce when he was young, so I was told.  Now he's blind and walks with a limp.  One or two kind cats bring him food everyday and most of the time he sits and sleeps on top of some old wooden crates.

"Is there anything you need?" I asked when I first saw him on one of our night rounds.  "A blanket, maybe?"

He laughed and said, "Look here, boy, I've been living here for the last ten years and I've never needed any blanket.  So don't waste your time and money on me."

I visited Lau Hor a few times after I found him as I sensed he was lonely and needed someone to talk to, and I was right, he had a lot to tell me about his life and the adventures he had when he was young.  I became quite fond of him despite his brusque and abrupt manner. 

Then I got this idea of asking Mi Mi to take him into Tom's Home where he would receive proper care.  He was so thin and weak and I know Mi Mi would only be too glad to help him.  But when I broached the idea to Lau Hor, he got angry and said to leave him alone.  "Look, I don't want to be a burden to anyone,  go away before I chase you out!"  Wow, what a proud old guy, I thought to myself.

"Alright, if that's the way you want it," I said and turned to leave.  Then he shouted after me, "Wait!"

"There's something you can do for me," he said.  

"What is it?"  I asked.

"You can bring me a peg of whiskey....haha... I haven't tasted that damned devil for over ten years."

"You've got it!" I said.  I was so glad I could do something for him finally. I made a note to see Shabina, the Siamese cat tending the bar at the Club and ask her for some whiskey.  She's a kind old soul and will certainly give some to Lau Hor.

"I'll be back asap, old man," I promised him.

The next day, I went to the Club but to my disappointment, I saw a notice there that said it would be closed for three days for maintenance purposes.  Shit, I was hoping I would be able to bring the whiskey for Lau Hor that evening. I didn't have any money to buy some nor could I borrow from Ah Hoe as he was away on a fishing trip.  My friends didn't have any money either.  I knew Lau Hor would be upset if I showed up without the whiskey, so I decided not to visit him until I got it. I just hoped he didn't think I had gone back on my word.

When the Club finally opened after three days, I immediately went to see Shabina and she gave me a small bottle of whiskey - free of charge.  "Thanks, Shab," I said, blowing her a kiss.  "You're an angel."  She smiled and waved me off.

I hurried to Lau Hor's back lane with the whiskey bottle.  It was around 10 in the morning and I went straight to his usual spot but he was not there.  Puzzled, I walked around and eventually bumped into one stray.  "Hey, where's everybody? Where's Lau Hor?"

He looked at me, then said, "Oh, didn't you hear?  He died last night.  The street cleaners came earlier this morning and removed his body.  Poor devil!"

"Oh no," I stammered, biting back my tears.  "Did he - did he say anything before he died?"

"Well, they said he kept whispering "Where's my whiskey, where's my whiskey?"  Say, do you know anything about this?"

It was too much for me.  I collapsed onto the ground and cried my eyes out.  It was the old cat's last wish and I had failed him. Oh God, why didn't you let me give him his whiskey before you took him away, I kept saying over and over.  I sat there for some time and before I left, I put the bottle of whiskey on top of the wooden crates where he used to sit.  "Enjoy yourself, Lau Hor," I said softly.  

That day was the saddest day of my life.

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