Saturday, May 18, 2024

A Twist of Fate

Wesak Day is just round the corner and the nuns have already started "spring cleaning" the temple.  One of the major tasks is polishing the huge bronze urn for jossticks in the prayer hall which requires the efforts of two younger nuns. Head Nun's orchids from the garden also decorate Lord Buddha's altar every year and add a splash of colour to the prayer hall.

One afternoon I received news from CC that Asudem was coming home from Thailand to celebrate Wesak with her stepmother.  She had forgiven her for her wickedness and was keen to see her again, especially when she heard that the old woman had completely transformed, thanks to CC.

They were to meet at CC's temple  and I went along as well at Asudem's request.

So that morning, I saw Asudem happily unite with her stepmother who tearfully begged for Asudem's forgiveness.  It was a very touching scene.  Asudem was looking very pretty even with a shaven head.  As we sat in  the temple talking, we were suddenly interrupted by a young man who burst in and  threw himself at Asudem's feet, mumbling something in Thai. We were quite taken aback. 

"Young man," said CC, standing up. "Who are you and what do you want with this young nun?"

I saw that Asudem had turned pale and her hands were actually trembling.

The man drew in a deep breath and said tersely, "This "young nun" is my girlfriend and she's carrying our baby!"

There was a stunned silence, then CC turned to Asudem, a shocked expression on his face and asked, " this man telling the truth?" 

Asudem bent her head down, not daring to look at CC.  

Her stepmother put her arms around her, saying "You poor child!" Then with eyes blazing, she turned to the young man and scolded him.  "What nonsense are you babbling about! She's a nun, how could she have anything to do with you!"

"Alright, alright," interrupted CC. "Let's deal with this matter calmly.  Asudem, if this man is telling the truth, and you're his girlfriend and expecting his baby, you have committed a very serious sacrilege and you will be expelled from the nunnery in Thailand.  You understand what I am saying?"

Asudem then burst into tears and stammered,  "I didn't know how to tell you both, especially you, CC because I know you would be very disappointed in me.  But it is true, this man and I have been together for some time.  He's good and kind and  I truly love him and we want to bring up our child together. CC, Stepmother, I ask for your forgiveness."

She then went on her knees before CC and her stepmother, sobbing uncontrollably.  The young man put his arms around her and knelt beside her, head bent low. His  English was not very good but we understood what he said about loving Asudem with all his heart 💜.

Slowly the story came out bit by bit.  Apparently the young man, a Thai national by the name of Boon-Nam had gone to a temple to pray and saw Asudem there.  He had instantly fallen in love with her and her innocent beauty.  He secretly followed her after she had finished praying to find out where she lived.  One day he built up his courage to approach her when he met her again at the temple.  She too fell for him at first sight, they started meeting secretly and when she left Thailand to visit her stepmother, he had followed her without her knowledge, though she had told him to stay back in Thailand.

Since Asudem could no longer return to the nunnery, her stepmother took pity on the couple and offered her humble home for them to stay.  CC, though very disappointed, forgave her and gave her his blessings for a happy, new life.

Later, CC said to me, "Strange, isn't it, how things have turned out.  I would have liked Asudem to continue as a nun but that doesn't seem to be her destiny."

I agreed and said it was her karma to meet Boon-Nam and be together with him.

I then saw a far away look in CC's eyes, so I teased him saying, "Did you also have a girlfriend before you decided to become a monk?"

He smiled wistfully, then said softly, "Yes, I did.  I met her when I was working on board the cruise ship on our way to Vietnam."

"Oh, what did she look like?"

"Well, she had glossy, jet black hair, grey green eyes and the most beautiful voice! Oh how she loved snuggling up to me when it was cold on the deck of the ship. I would wrap her in a blanket and we would sit there, enjoying the roll of the sea and the sound of the waves lapping against the ship. Gosh, I miss her and the ocean!"

"Why didn't you marry her?" I asked.

"What?  Me marry a cat?  You must be kidding!" 

He laughed and ran off, delighted that he had fooled me.

CC is a good sailor but he's better as a monk.  I'm so glad he gave up sailing.

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