Now that the Chinese New Year festivities are over, I have more time over the weekends to listen to CC's discourses. He is very happy that more and more people from the village are coming to hear him and are genuinely interested in the Buddha's teachings.
One such Saturday, after CC had finished speaking, I saw a little boy run up to him carrying a box. "This box is for you, bhikkhu*," he said. (*ordained monk)
CC was rather surprised and asked who sent it.
"Nenek Gila*", replied the boy. (*Crazy Grandma)
"I've never heard of her," said CC. "Why do you call her by that name?"
"Because she's crazy," said the boy. "Just take it, ok?" and he thrust the box into CC's hands.
CC took it and showed it to me. "Look, Vege Cat, it's tightly sealed with tape and there's only a small hole at the side."
Somehow my sixth sense told me that this box was not an ordinary box and contained something dangerous.
"CC, be careful. What if there's a bomb inside? If I were you, I'd just throw it into the river."
CC laughed and said, "Who would want to kill me? I think you've been watching too much TV, Vege Cat! Let's go over there and open it." He started pulling off the tape and just as he opened the cover of the box, something suddenly popped out - something black and slimy.
"CC, it's a snake! Run!" I yelled. I took to my heels and climbed up a tree. But CC was unperturbed. He was looking at the snake which was black in colour and had its head sticking out of the box, and to my astonishment, he started talking to it!"Hello, friend," he said gently. "Nice to make your acquaintance. What's your name?"
The snake rolled its eyes at him and I was shocked when it began to speak.
"Look, let's not waste time. I won't hurt you, just let me get out of this box and be on my way," it said.
"Sure, but first tell me more. Where do you come from and who sent you to me?" asked CC.
The snake sighed impatiently, then said, "My name's Putih (White). I'm actually a white rabbit and the youngest girl in the family. Nenek Gila captured me some time ago and turned me into a black snake. She's a witch, you know and she has kept me as her "pet" since then. I was imprisoned in my cage all the time and she kept using me for experiments. Then today she told me she's sending me to your temple and instructed me to bite you to death...!"
"What?" gasped CC. "But why? I don't even know her."
"It's something to do with her stepdaughter. It seems you saved her from a curse she put on her..."
"OMG, you mean Asudem? Oh now I get it, Nenek Gila is Asudem's stepmother and she wants to take revenge on me for saving her stepdaughter!"
"Something like that," said Putih. "Look, I don't want to bite you, you're a good person, so let me go on my way. I want to go back to my family and friends, I miss them so much....."
"But you can't go back as a snake, they'll be terrified of you!" said CC.
"Oh I never thought of that," said Putih, looking crestfallen.
"Look, I think I can help you," said CC. "I've got some holy water which we used to save Asudem. Maybe you'll turn back into a rabbit when I pour it over you."
"Oh really?" cried Putih excitedly. "Then let's get on with it!"
Fortunately for Putih, the holy water did work and she turned back into a white bunny.
"Yippee!" she yelled. "Thanks, bhikkhu, now I can go home!"
"Wait, wait," cried CC. "Can you tell me where Nenek Gila lives?"
"Ask the boy who brought me here," and before CC could stop her, she ran out of the door. CC laughed and shook his head. "What a delightful creature," he said.
"CC, why do you want to know where that evil woman lives?" I asked curiously.
CC smiled and said, "I want to transform that woman into love itself."
CC managed to find out the address of Asudem's stepmother and said he would visit her soon. "You can come along if you like, Vege Cat, but if you're too scared, I shall go alone."
"CC, are you sure she won't poison you or turn you into a toad?"
CC patted my head and said, "Don't worry, I'll be safe. Remember, she has been stripped of her powers by the WU (Witches Union), so she can't harm me. I have faith in the Buddha, He will also protect me."
Scared as I was, I could not very well let CC go alone in case something should happen to him, so we set off together a couple of days later.
Nenek Gila's hut was located deep in the forest and we had to struggle through thorny bushes, brambles and muddy paths. CC had brought with him a basket of fruits as a "peace offering" which he hoped would pacify the witch.
At first there was no answer when CC knocked at her door but after some time, it slowly creaked open to reveal a small old woman with long, untidy hair, beady eyes and a crooked nose. I could see that she was startled when she saw CC, she probably thought that her pet snake had killed him.
CC smiled and gave her the basket of fruits. She grabbed it, then growled, "What do you want? I see that dumb snake of mine has spared you. So now have you come to humiliate me?"
CC flashed her another sweet smile and simply said he wanted to talk to her. The witch hesitated, then opened the door wider for us to step in. I didn't expect her to do that, it must be CC's radiant smile and honest face that did it!
I never knew CC could be such a charmer. He is wonderful with words and soon gained her confidence. He told her stories of the Buddha and His teachings, he talked about love, forgiveness, compassion - and in the following weeks, we could see her gradually change.
And that was how a simple monk with a good heart transformed an evil woman into a devotee of the Buddha. Hard to believe? Of course it took time but CC never gave up. People living in her vicinity soon noticed the remarkable change in her and when she started making kueh (cakes) for the children, they changed her name to "Nenek Kueh"!
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