Monday, July 17, 2023

The Lady In White


I had received a message from CC inviting me to come to his temple, he said he had something important to discuss with me, so there I was on a Friday morning. He took me to a quiet corner of the temple and said he was so glad I could come.

"Is anything the matter?" I asked as I thought he looked rather disturbed. He hesitated, then said, "Vege Cat, what I am going to tell you will probably shock you. I can't tell this to anyone else, you are the only one I can trust. Oh, I am so confused, I feel like I'm between the devil and the deep blue sea!"

"Are you sick or something?" I asked, beginning to feel concerned.

"No, no, nothing like that. I had better start from the beginning. Well, as you know I give my talks every Saturday morning and for the last three weeks, I have noticed this young girl in the congregation. I don't think she's from this village. She's always dressed in white and she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen! Vege Cat, I fear I'm falling in love with her!"

His last statement took me by surprise and for a moment, I didn't know what to say.

CC then became flustered and began walking up and down, wringing his hands.  

"I don't know what to do, Vege Cat, I've already taken my vows as a monk, I cannot betray the Lord Buddha. I must get her out of my mind ....."

"CC, you have taken refuge in the Lord Buddha, so remain steadfast and true to Him," I said.

"I know, I know," he replied miserably. "I pray every day that the Lord Buddha will guide and save me from temptation!"

"Er ... have you spoken to the lady?"

"Oh no, I don't want to. Speaking to her may lead from one thing to another..."

"What about the Chief Monk, have you told him about this? He would be the best person to give advice," I said.

 "I wouldn't dare tell him! He'll kick me out of the temple!"

"I tell you what, would it help if I attend your talk tomorrow? Then I can see for myself."

"Oh that would be great, Vege Cat, thanks!"

Poor CC! My intention was of course to help him and find out more about this mysterious lady. So there I was at the temple the next morning. I sat behind a tree where I could get a good view of the congregation and very soon, people started coming in and settled down to listen. Then she came in, her long dark hair falling around her shoulders and a white scarf round her neck. I could see why CC had fallen for her, she was indeed very beautiful.  Even a cat like me could appreciate her exceptionally good looks.

I could see that CC was quite nervous and he stumbled over a few words when he began his talk, but gradually regained his composure. It was a good lecture and the people gave him a hearty round of applause at the end. As they started to leave, I kept an eye on the lady in white. I felt like I was some kind of private detective and wondered how I could find out more about her.

Then I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned round to see ... the lady in white! She had a smile on her lips as she said, "Why are you spying on me?"

"Spying? Er .. what makes you think so?" I stammered.

She laughed and somehow that laugh rang a bell. I had heard it before but where and when?

"My dear Vege Cat, don't you remember me?"  I was shocked that she knew my name, then she twirled round  and disappeared and in her place stood a white cat.

"Amrapali?" I gasped.  "I should have known it was you!  What are you doing here?"

She raised an eyebrow and said, "Can't I come and listen to a Buddhist monk speak?"

"Of course you can but why all this masquerade as a lady!" I said crossly.

She smiled and said, "You know something?  I think you're worried about your monk friend.  You are afraid he will succumb to his sensual desires and fall into sin, am I not right?"

I was getting more and more annoyed.  "Look, CC is a good man and very devoted to the Lord Buddha.  Please don't play your naughty games with him."

She laughed again. "My, my, you are indeed a true and loyal friend.  Let me tell you this.  I am here to test how sincere and devoted monks are to the Great One and whether they are doing a good job.  There are so many bogus monks around nowadays, all pretending to be so holy but under those saffron robes rage a fire of greed, lust, hatred and so on."

"CC is not a "bogus" monk," I said, defending him.  "And what right have you to go round "testing" people," I said, getting really angry.

"My dear, "testing" is one of the assignments on my agenda.  During my last few weeks here, I have assessed your friend and he seems to be "genuine".  He knows the Dharma well though sometimes he mispronounces the Pali words. He has not made any attempt to get near me (meaning my female human form, of course) though I sense he is attracted to me.  He has not let his weaknesses overtake him and I am pleased. I shall write a good report on  him and once I finish it, I shall be moving on, so you need not worry."

"Promise?" I said.

"Promise!" She said crossing her heart.  "Meantime I shall stay here ......"

"What?  I thought you said ..."

"I haven't finished what I was going to say.  I shall stay here until I finish my report BUT to make you happy, I shall attend your friend's talks as a cat and I shall be gathering as many cats as I can from the village to listen.  They need to learn the Dharma too."

"Oh.  Well, good luck."

She laughed again and disappeared into thin air.  I wish I could trust her but then, there's really nothing I could do but trust her.

I didn't have a chance to speak to CC after that as I was told he was engaged with the Head Monk, so I left for home.  Due to my own temple duties, I couldn't catch up with CC until a few weeks later.  Since we could not communicate by phone (the monks are not allowed to use mobiles), I was naturally very anxious and curious whether Amrapali had kept her promise.

When CC saw me, he gave me a big smile and hug and apologised for not being in touch as he had been given new duties in addition to his public talks and had been very busy.

Before I could ask him, he said, "Vege Cat, I don't know what you did but since your last visit, the lady in white hasn't shown up. Thanks so much, you don't know how relieved I am!  You are truly a miracle worker!"

Of course I was just as relieved as he was.  Then he added, "Incidentally, I was much surprised to see a number of cats coming to listen to me and their leader appears to be a white cat."

"Oh...really?  Are they still coming?" I asked.

"Yes but the white cat seems to have gone away somewhere and no longer comes here."

So Amrapali had kept her word!  If she hadn't, I would be ready to  punch her in the face and bite off her ears when I next see her!

I decided not to tell CC about her, sometimes some things are best left unsaid, besides CC would never believe me if I told him the lady in white and the white cat are the one and the same person!

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