Friday, May 19, 2023

The Test - Pt. 3

A few weeks after we took CC home, we were surprised to receive an invitation from the new Chief Monk of the Thai Monastery, Ajahn Kovito to the opening of their new library.  We were told that all those who had attended the last retreat at the monastery under Ajahn C. had been invited.  CC was keen to go as he loves books and Head Nun agreed that I may accompany him.

So there we were again on the early morning bus to the monastery.  It was a relief to know that we wouldn't be seeing the sour face of Ajahn C. any more, otherwise I wouldn't have wanted to go with CC.  Yet again, I had this strange desire to visit the monastery once more, it was like something was pulling me back there.

"Wonder what the new chief is like?" mused CC as we sat in the bus.

"Hope he's not like his predecessor," I said pensively.

"We'll find out soon, Vege Cat," said CC grinning.

Ajahn K. turned out to be a plump, friendly monk in his mid-sixties.  He made us feel at home right away and I was relieved when we got a different room from the one we stayed in last.  We were informed of the programme for the 2 day/1 night visit and after lunch, we were guided to the new library.  There would be some prayers by the monks and after that, we were free to browse through the books.  I noticed that some of the monks were new, probably the old ones had gone back to Thailand with Ajahn C.

When we stepped into the library, I had the most uncanny "deja vu" feeling.  Ajahn K. explained that they had converted the old ballroom into the new library as it was the biggest and most suitable room in the monastery.  I immediately recalled what Ah Ying had told us about the fire in the ballroom many years ago but of course it didn't look like a ballroom anymore.  There were endless shelves of books, all neatly arranged, not only on Buddhism but also other major religions of the world.  There was also a section on well-known Buddhist monks from Thailand.  

After the prayers, CC soon lost himself in the books and I was left to wander around on my own.  I found myself in the Buddhist monks section which was in a small corner and a little dark.  As I stood there looking at the books, I heard a movement near me.  Thinking it was CC, I turned around and saw to my shock that it was ........ Ajahn C!  He was standing there looking at me, his stony face impenetrable .... and then he disappeared.

A wave of cold fear swept through me and my legs began to tremble.   "I must be dreaming, he's gone back to Thailand ....." I said to myself .  Then all of a sudden, a book from one of the shelves above fell and landed on my head.  Luckily it wasn't a heavy book and I wasn't knocked out but I was of course a little stunned.  CC who had seen the incident came running and asked if I was alright.  

"CC, I saw him, I saw him ...." I whispered.  

He rubbed my head gently, then asked, "You saw who?"  

"Ajahn C!" I shrieked.  CC was taken aback and said I was probably mistaken, he had gone back to Thailand.  

"I'm sure I saw him," I insisted.  

"Maybe it was someone who looked like him, Vege Cat, I know you're scared of him but don't let your imagination run away," he said.

He then picked up the fallen book, looked at it and said, "It's a book about the monastery's monks and hey, there's a write up on Ajahn C," he said flicking through the pages. 

"Hmm," said CC.  "I think it will be interesting reading.  Let's go over there and take a closer look at it."  We went to a quiet corner and CC started reading.

Since there was so much small print, I asked CC to read through and let me know if there was anything interesting.  I curled up on the chair beside him and fell asleep.

"Vege Cat, wake up!"  It was CC and he sounded very excited.

"So what have you discovered about Ajahn C?" I asked sleepily.

"Well, the writeup tells about his early life; his parents died young, he never married and he struggled through life on his own, then he joined the Thai army and was eventually  sent to this monastery. And guess what?  His only love was music and a cat named Suki."

"Oh really?  He doesn't look like someone who likes animals.  I shudder every time he looks at me."

"Vege Cat, take a look at the picture of his cat!" and he put the book in front of me.

What I saw sent chills up and down my spine. I couldn't believe my eyes, it was like looking into a mirror!  Suki was the splitting image of me!  He even wore a bell like mine!

"OMG!" I gasped.  "So that's why he stared so hard at me each time we met, I reminded him of his cat, yet he wouldn't say anything."  

"Ya, the resemblance is uncanny," remarked CC.

"Is Suki still alive?"  I asked.

"No, it was when he died that Ajahn C. joined the army."

"Poor man, he must have been very sad and the fire incident didn't make matters any better.  Anyway, CC, it's all coming back to me now, that knock on the head has helped me remember what happened to me at the retreat!"

I told him excitedly about the "music room" which was formerly the ballroom and now the library and how I had disobeyed orders and taken a peep inside, and saw all those musical instruments playing on their own and how I nearly got trapped inside.  I guess Ajahn C. hadn't punished me when he caught me because I look so much like his beloved Suki.

CC scratched his head.  "How come you never told me all this before?  We were sharing a room and I had no idea you were up to mischief during the night!"

"Sorry, CC, when we left the monastery, I lost all memory of this, I think Ajahn C. probably hypnotized me.  He didn't want me to tell anyone that the place is haunted. You still don't believe I saw him just now?"

CC shrugged.  "Well, maybe he did appear to you and made that book fall on your head.  I believe he's capable of that.  I guess he wants you to know about Suki.  Personally I don't have any ill feelings towards him and I sincerely hope he will get over the past and start anew.  The monastery shouldn't be haunted any more after all the prayers they did just now."

We had an uneventful journey back home but the memory of Ajahn C. lingered on with me for some time.  I can only pray that he will find peace with himself one day.

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