Friday, August 26, 2022

Mid-Autumn Sojourn - Pt. 1

It is such a relief that the 7th lunar month is now over and the Mid-Autumn Festival (or Mooncake Festival as it's commonly known) is round the corner!  The nuns always look forward to this festival as they are extremely fond of mooncakes!

One morning, Ah Ying came to the temple and said she had received a message from Chief Nun of the hill temple through one of her friends who went there on a visit.  Chief Nun was inviting Head Nun and myself to spend a few days at her temple for the Mid-Autumn Festival!  It was the most exciting news I had ever heard and I eagerly asked Head Nun whether we would be going.  She couldn't give an answer straightaway since it was so sudden and said she would let me know.  I prayed hard that she would go as I would love to see Chief Nun again.

Head Nun called me to her room a few days later and said that she would not be going to the hill temple.  The journey would be too tedious and tiring for her.  I was very disappointed of course; if Head Nun didn't go, that meant I also couldn't go.  

Seeing the disappointment on my face, Head Nun smiled and said, "Vege Cat, I said I wouldn't be going but I didn't say you could not go!"

"You mean ... you mean I can go?"  I asked excitedly.

Laughing, she patted my head and said, "Yes, you may go but on  condition that you behave yourself!"

I jumped with joy.  "Head Nun, thank you so much!" I cried.  

So a week later, I was on my way to the hill temple with Ah Ying as my driver.  Thankfully we had an uneventful journey and by lunch time, we reached the temple.  An elderly nun with a stern and sour face was waiting at the entrance and escorted us into the temple.  Chief Nun who had just finished her prayers welcomed us warmly.  She had also invited Ah Ying to spend a few days at the temple but Ah Ying had some family matters to attend to and so she left immediately after dropping me.

After lunch, Chief Nun asked the nun with the sullen face, Ah Moi Kor, to show me to my room.  "The temple is very small, Vege Cat, so we can only spare you a little corner in the storeroom upstairs.  I hope you don't mind."  Well, I wasn't expecting a room with a four poster bed and silk cushions, so I said I didn't mind.

"Oh, by the way," continued Chief Nun.  It was then that she dropped the bombshell.  

"Since you're here, I thought it would be a good opportunity for you to teach my nuns how to chant Goddess Kuan Yin's Compassionate Mantra properly.  I noticed you're very good at it when I was at your temple recently and I need you to fine tune my nuns' chanting.  I don't have time to train them myself, I hope it's alright with you?"

I was speechless for a minute, then I stammered, "Of course I shall be glad to teach your nuns, Respected Sifu.  I am indeed very flattered and honoured that you think I recite it well."

"Thank you, Vege Cat, so that's all arranged.  You will start tomorrow.  I do hope you enjoy your stay here and if there's anything you need, just ask Ah Moi Kor."

The same Ah Moi Kor then deposited me in the storeroom which I learnt I would be sharing with the temple's maid, Lean Wah (or Lotus in English).

Lotus, a bright, cheerful girl of 18, told me she had been adopted by the temple after Chief Nun found her abandoned by the roadside and the nuns had very kindly brought her up .  She had prepared a mattress with a light blanket for me to sleep on and left me to rest after reminding me to come down for dinner at 6 p.m.  I found to my delight that the storeroom was clean and airy and had a window that looked out to the surrounding hills.  It was a beautiful view and I couldn't have asked for anything more.

I went down for dinner early as I was eager to meet the nuns.  When I neared the dining room, I could hear their voices.  What they said made me stop in my tracks.

"Chief Nun must be crazy to ask a cat to teach us to chant!" someone said.

Another remarked, "He probably doesn't even know what he's chanting."

"Do we say "meow, meow" after each line?" joked one nun.  Everybody started laughing. 

My heart sank.  I hadn't expected this kind of reception from the nuns.  I had thought they would be eager to learn.  I didn't have the courage to go into the dining room and face that hostile mob.  I went back quietly to the storeroom, tears beginning to well up in my eyes.  Then I heard a knock and Lotus came in with a bowl of milk and some cat food.  

"Vege Cat, I saw what happened.  Don't mind those nuns, they're just being cheeky.  I have brought you your dinner.  You can have it here if you like and if Chief Nun asks, I shall tell her you're not feeling too well after the long journey."

"Thanks, Lotus.  You're a real gem," I said gratefully.  

I spent the rest of the evening worrying about what was going to happen in the next few days.

(To be continued)

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