Saturday, January 29, 2022

The Calm Before the Storm

It is amazing how fast time flies and Chinese New Year is here again!  With the pandemic restrictions, celebrations are on a low key but as Head Nun pointed out, we should not be complaining about not having a good time but be thankful for our blessings.

So on CNY eve, we gathered in the kitchen at 6 pm for an early "reunion dinner".  The sun had still not set and it looked like it would be a long day. We had a simple menu of fried noodles, mixed vegetables and pumpkin soup which Head Nun herself cooked, with ice cream for dessert - a present from APK's mother!  As usual, before eating, Head Nun said a thanksgiving prayer and soon we were hungrily tucking into our meal.  The nuns chatted merrily away as they ate and everyone was in a jovial mood. We were like one big family and although we had our petty differences in the past, all was forgotten and forgiven on this auspicious evening.

After about 20 minutes through our dinner, we had a great shock when the dinner table started shaking and rocking.  Plates and bowls slid off the table and crashed onto the floor.  As we sat there stunned and terrified, the sky suddenly darkened and a powerful gust of wind blew through the kitchen windows sweeping everything away in its path.  It was so strong that we had to cling on to the table, otherwise we would have been blown away!

Head Nun yelled to us to chant "Om Mani Padme Hum" as loudly as we could.  We did as we were told, our voices quivering and our hands shaking.

Then as suddenly as it came, the wind abated after about five minutes leaving behind a trail of broken plates, cups and bowls and remnants of our dinner.  We thought we had better take a look outside and saw to our horror a few dead doves that appeared to have been caught in the sudden storm.  Many pots of flowers had also been blown over and some plants uprooted.  

Then I suddenly remembered the old cockerel, Bruce Lee and the hens in the backyard.  We rushed there expecting to see the whole chicken shed blown away but thank goodness, it was untouched.  We found Bruce Lee standing outside, his wings around two trembling hens.  

"Are you all okay, Bruce Lee?" asked Head Nun, very concerned.

Bruce Lee cocked his head to one side and said, "My two favourite girls nearly got killed! These two beauties were resting near the tree over there when suddenly the sky darkened.  I looked out of the window and saw a huge black cloud, something like a tornado heading towards the temple.  I've never seen anything like this before.  A strong wind was blowing and I knew those two girls were in danger.  So I flew out of the window, grabbed them and brought them back to the shed just in time. I saw the black cloud fly over the trees and head towards the temple...."

Bruce Lee paused, rolled his eyes, then continued, "Then just as it was about to descend on the temple, a bright golden light appeared in the sky and covered the whole temple like it was protecting it. The black cloud began to shrink in size, then it disappeared altogether!  It was a miracle!"

"You mean the light saved the temple?" Head Nun asked, looking a little dubious.

Bruce Lee flapped his wings impatiently and said, "Of course!  My dear Head Nun, I saw it all with my own eyes.  Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to get back to my girls.  They all suffered a great shock and need my loving arms to comfort them."  With that, he strutted off.

We returned to the kitchen to clear up the mess and Head Nun told us to gather in the prayer hall after we had finished so that we could give thanks to the Lord Buddha for protecting us.

Later that night, we stayed up to watch the late news over TV to see whether we could get some information on the so-called freak storm.  Strangely nothing was reported that night and in the morning, there was nothing in the papers either.

"It certainly is very strange, Vege Cat," Head Nun commented.  "Ah Hoe and the villagers also said there was no storm last night.  But we all did experience it, didn't we?"

"Oh yes, it was quite frightening, I thought we were all going to be killed," I said.  "Head Nun, do you think the black cloud that Bruce Lee saw was some evil force intent on destroying this temple? And the golden light that saved the temple was of course Lord Buddha?"

Head Nun started laughing. "You know, Vege Cat, we just can't believe everything that old bird tells us!  Put it this way, storm or no storm, I have no doubt that the Lord Buddha is always with us and will make sure we come to no harm."

That experience stayed in our minds for some time and it still remains an unsolved mystery.  As for Bruce Lee, the story of how he saved the two hens from the black cloud became a nightly bedtime thriller for his hens as they nestled close to their hero. The old rascal had never enjoyed himself more.



Now where was I when the "storm" occurred?  Oh yeah, I was at the club.  With all the music, singing and dancing, a typhoon could have swept through the place without anyone noticing! Strange things happen all the time. I don't have anything to say except be happy!! Cheers! 🍻🍺🍺🍻🍺🍺🍻

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