Tuesday, November 2, 2021

A Fishy Business - Pt.4

Ah Hoe resumed his burger business a few days after Ning's return home but he cut short his business hours as he wanted to spend more time with Ning.  Whenever possible, I also popped over to see Ning to keep him company.  With a broken leg, it was hard to move about and understandably, he was quite bored being confined indoors.

One evening, Ah Hoe came back from the village after his sales and informed Ning that a friend of his had visited his stall and inquired about him.

"Oh, really?" asked Ning, a little surprised.

"Yes, I believe she said her name is Yuki."

Ning almost fell off his chair at the mention of her name.

Yuki, as we soon found out, is the name of the luscious chick Ning met at the pub while on holiday and whose boyfriend had beaten him up.  

"Oh dear, I hope she doesn't cause any trouble," I said.

Even as the words came out of my mouth, we heard a loud banging on the door and in walked a white feline with blue eyes and a sexy swing to her hips.  

"Hello, Ning," she said in a husky voice, her perfume floating around her and invading our noses.

"Yuki!  What are you doing here?" exclaimed Ning.

"I came to see you, of course," she murmured as she snuggled up close to Ning.  Ning struggled to get up but couldn't.  "Look, you'd better go, I don't want that big bully to come here and beat me up again!"

Yuki laughed.  "He won't, he's dead."

"What?" Ning gasped.

"Well, you could say I killed him.  We were having this big fight, I gave him a hard punch and he fell off the pavement onto the main road and was run over by a car.  End of story."

"OMG," whispered Ning in horror.

"So now I'm free and I want you to come away with me, handsome," she purred.

Both Ah Hoe and I were standing there rooted to the spot, aghast at what we had heard.  I could see beads of sweat appearing on Ning's forehead as he tried to remain calm.

"Look," began Ah Hoe, trying to help Ning.  "Ning hasn't quite recovered yet.  I suggest you let him get some rest."

Yuki turned to Ah Hoe and snarled, "Get lost, stranger.  This is none of your business."

Finally, Ning spoke up.  "It's alright, Ah Hoe, I can handle it."  

Turning to Yuki, he said, "So you want me to follow you back, huh?  Well, why not, baby?  We're going to have a good time together."

Yuki smirked.  "I know you can't wait to go, handsome."  

Ah Hoe opened his mouth to protest but Ning silenced him.

"Let me pack a few things, ok?  I mustn't forget my pampers and liver tablets. I can't do without those."

"Pampers? Liver tablets?" squeaked Yuki.  

"Ya, all that drinking has got to my liver, I urinate and shit every few hours.  You'll have to change pampers for me everyday but I'm sure you don't mind.  And twice a day I have to take my medication.  If I don't, my face will turn green and I will roll about on the ground like a dog infected with rabies.  Another thing (and here Ning started coughing loudly), the vet says I may have THE virus, you know, what the humans call Covid19 or is it 20? What's more ...."

Before he could go on, Yuki gave a shrill scream, fled to the door and disappeared down the road!

For a moment, both Ah Hoe and I stood stunned, then Ning burst out laughing!  "Well, that's got rid of her!  Wasn't my acting superb?"  We were so relieved we hugged Ning and the three of us had a good laugh together!

"You really had me worried when you said you would go with her, Ning," I said, wiping the tears from my eyes.

Ning smiled.  "The problem with you, Da, is that you still don't know me as well as you think you do," he said.

Then we heard someone calling from outside. Ah Hoe opened the door and we were all delighted to see Mi Mi standing there.  She had come to see Ning and had brought with her some warm milk.

"Gosh, thanks Mi Mi, you shouldn't have taken so much trouble," said Ning.

"No problem at all, Ning," said Mi Mi.  "Can you sit up or shall I feed you?"

Ning turned a bright pink and stammered something incoherent.  

"Er .... Ah Hoe, I have to go back to the temple now," I said loudly to him.  "Are you coming as well?  Remember, you promised to look at Head Nun's old stove....."

"I did?" said Ah Hoe looking puzzled.

"Come on, before it gets too dark." and I dragged him off.

"Hey, where are you two going?" shouted Ning.  I winked at him and scooted out the door.

"You know, Da, for a cat monk,  you're pretty smart!  You want Ning and Mi Mi to be alone together, don't you?" said Ah Hoe, as we walked back to the temple.

"Well, we monks not only pray but we try to be of service whenever we can,"  I said, grinning. "Ah Hoe, wouldn't it be nice if Ning and Mi Mi were to fall in love again?"

"Aah, yes, it was such a shame their wedding was cancelled a couple of years ago. Ning needs to have some sense knocked into his head."

"Well, let's hope this time they will develop a new relationship and start all over again."

The nuns were just sitting down to dinner when we arrived at the temple.  Head Nun invited Ah Hoe to join them and of course we had a long story to tell ......


That was some story, wasn't it?  If I may say so, I handled Yuki pretty well, haha!  Now I heard that she has left home and gone to the bright lights of the city.  She's not really my type and in a way, I feel sorry for her.  I hope she will one day find what she's looking for.  I know Da has got hopes of Mi Mi and I getting together again.  Honestly, that cat monk sometimes acts like he's my mother.  Mi Mi's a nice girl but I prefer not to comment any further for now.  Oh, I can't wait for my leg to heal, then I can escape from Da and his endless preaching!  

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