Wednesday, February 10, 2021

An Evening to Remember

It was Chinese New Year eve and we had just finished a vegetarian steamboat dinner sponsored by a kind Buddhist devotee.  It was indeed a welcome change after staying in for so many months due to the pandemic and the dinner lifted our spirits and hopes for a better year ahead.  Head Nun had announced during the meal that she would be talking to us after dinner, so we gathered in the TV room and braced ourselves for a long lecture on our shortcomings during the past year.

"Alright, nuns and you too, Vege Cat," began Head Nun crisply.  "Don't worry, I'm not going to give you all a long lecture as some of you are thinking.  I know the last few months had been quite tough for you.  But I am pleased that you all took it in your stride and continued with your temple duties undauntedly. Thanks to the support of our generous devotees, we managed well and didn't go hungry.  I don't have to tell you to be grateful, and so on and so forth.  I just want to say that although we are under lockdown, our prayers and meditation are not locked down.  So persist and you will be amply rewarded.  Most important of all, remember that kindness and compassion are not locked down either.  Continue to develop love within you.  You are all Lord Buddha's children, so bear no ill will or hatred towards anyone.  Believe me, with such a large hearted attitude, you will attain your goal of limitless bliss.  Now let us chant Om Mani Padme Hum before we go to bed."

We chanted with much fervour and I could see that Head Nun was impressed.  Well, we all know we have a good leader and we want her to know it.  Just as we were about to disperse, Head Nun clapped her hands and said, "Wait!  Ah Pui Kor, are you ready?"  

Before we could blink, APK appeared bearing a tray of vanilla and strawberry ice cream!  

"It's CNY, enjoy!" said Head Nun, smiling broadly.

It was a lovely surprise and we licked up our ice cream like we had never eaten ice cream before.  But I was rather disappointed that Ning hadn't come to the temple to be with us, especially as the Long Tails Club was still closed.  Then to everyone's surprise, Ning suddenly burst in with Mi Mi, Peng Aun, Ah Kong, Ah Ma and Ah Hoe.  Head Nun had not mentioned that she had invited them, she probably wanted it to be a surprise - and they were late because Peng Aun had wandered off somewhere and they had to go search for him.

It was a wonderful evening and a wonderful reunion of humans and cats under one roof - the roof of truth, righteousness and peace.

Gong Zi Fa Cai everyone!  

May all live happily.
May all enjoy good health.
May none experience distress.
May peace prevail everywhere.

With Metta,

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