Monday, May 30, 2016

One Hell of a Female - Pt.3

The next morning, I immediately apologised to Ning for biting his head off over my soya bean milk. He shrugged (like the good sport he is) and said it didn't matter.

But it did matter.  I had slipped down the rungs of my spiritual ladder again and I had to pick myself up and try harder.

Since my last meeting with Mi Mi, a thought had plagued my mind - what she said about Percy being neutered.  I began to wonder whether I had been "done".  I had heard that humans do this to female cats and male cats too, in order to shrink the cat population. It is a horrible thing to do to us cats, but then we are quite helpless against them.  So that morning, I slipped into a dark corner of the kitchen and tried to see for myself.  Well, it isn't easy when your genitals are at the other end of your body.  I twisted and turned, stretched and rolled but without any success.  I suppose I could have used a mirror but then I didn't want anyone to see me.  Finally I gave up.

It was then that I heard a step.  It was Head Nun.

"What on earth are you doing, Vege Cat?"

"Er - nothing, Head Nun...."  

I decided maybe it would be better if I came right out and asked.

"Head Nun, have I been ... "done"?  You know, "done"!"

Head Nun looked at me and then smiled.  "Aah, I see why you have been so worried lately.  No, you have not been "done".  I've never thought it necessary."

Phew!  That was a relief!  At least I'm still in one piece. 

"Whether you've been "done" or not "done" has nothing to do with your spiritual life," she continued.  "So get that out of your mind."

"But, Head Nun,"  I stammered.  "I still cannot control my emotions, I get angry, sometimes I even have bad thoughts.  I'm still far from reaching my goal  ..."

"Vege Cat, Rome wasn't built in a day.  Neither did the Lord Buddha attain enlightenment overnight. So same with you.  It's a long tough journey, you win some, you lose some.  Just remain steadfast in your resolve to attain enlightenment and you'll succeed."

She patted my head and went off.  Those were very comforting words indeed.  I've never doubted Head Nun's wisdom since the day I came to the temple; sometimes it amazes me how much she knows, even ordinary things like a cat's problems. I made my way happily to my favourite spot under the custard apple tree and sat down, closing my eyes in bliss.  

My bliss was however short lived because Ning came bounding in, terribly excited.

"Da, Da, she's back!  Mi Mi's back!"

Oh no, not that female again, I groaned inwardly.  

"So she's back," I sighed.  

"Well, she's been telling everyone at the Club that she's engaged to this rich white Persian by the name of ....."

"Percy?" I interrupted.

Ning looked surprised.  "How did you know?"

"I hear things, you know," I said, smiling mischievously.

"Well, did you also hear she's been flaunting that big diamond ring on her paw and inviting everyone at the Club to her wedding?"

"Really?"  I said, thinking to myself that Mi Mi was going to land herself in big trouble if she carried on like this. "Are you jealous, Ning?"

"Me jealous?  Of course not!  I just can't stand her bragging, that's all."

I shook my head and laughed.  "Ning, why don't you join us in our meditation session?  It's starting in five minutes."

Ning stared at me as though he had seen a ghost.  "Meditation?  You must be kidding!"  he said and ran off.

Poor Ning.  Well, his time hasn't come yet, there will come a day when he will want to take refuge in the Lord Buddha.  I got up and ran to the prayer hall.  Ning will probably not understand but oh, it's so good to be free from the mundane concerns of everyday  life!

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