Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Reunion Dinner

Lao Lo invited Ning and I to a belated "reunion dinner" on the fourth day of the Chinese New Year.  He had taken the trouble to prepare a number of dishes, two of which were vegetarian (specially for me!).  He had also invited his old friend, Ah Hoe and another friend from the village.

We sat at a small table in front of Lao Lo's hut and tucked in heartily to grilled fish, stir fried vegetables, steamed chicken, braised tofu and a variety of other dishes.

"Well done, Lao Lo!" said Ah Hoe, slapping the old man on his back.  "This is the best meal I've tasted in months!"

Lao Lo had also bought some Chinese rice wine which his friends enjoyed, cup after cup.  We were all in a jovial mood and eating as though it was our last day on earth!

Amidst the merry making, we noticed a bent old woman with a walking stick hobble up the road towards us.  She had a hat pulled well down over her head and she was coughing and wheezing. As she approached us, Lao Lo's friends started to make fun of her.

"What do you want, old woman?"  they jeered.  "Go away, don't spoil our reunion dinner."

Lao Lo stopped eating and hurried towards the old woman.

"Can we help you, old lady?" he asked kindly.

The old woman replied in a quaking voice, "I am very hungry.  Can you spare me a morsel?"

"Of course!" said Lao Lo.  His friends were still laughing and hurling insults at the old woman.  Lao Lo told them to hush up and led the old woman into his hut.  He sat her down at a table and brought some rice and chicken for her.  "If this is not enough, there's more outside," he said.

Ning and I had joined Lao Lo in the hut and watched as the old woman gobbled down her food.

"Looks like she hasn't eaten for days," I whispered to Ning who nodded in agreement.

When she had finished, the old woman looked gratefully at Lao Lo and said, "Thank you, old man.  You have a kind heart."

"My pleasure!" said Lao Lo, beaming.

The old woman looked around the hut, her still sharp eyes taking in every detail.

"You have a nice place here.  You are very lucky."  Then she looked at us.

"Are these cats yours?" she asked.

"They are my good friends," said Lao Lo.

"This one here," said the old woman, pointing to Ning.  "He looks fit and strong.  Will you give him to me?  I need someone to help me clean my room, cook my meals and so on.  I am 90 and I need help."

Lao Lo hesitated.  At last he said, "Ning is my good friend and companion but you need him more than I do. He is free to go, that is if he wants to go."

To our utter astonishment, Ning said, without hesitation, "I shall go with her.  No problem!"

Both Lao Lo and I were to say the least, rather stunned at Ning's decision.  Ning just isn't the type to hide himself away with an old woman and do her chores for her!  What about the Long Tails Club?  He's going to miss his friends and his booze!  It looked like we or at least I had under-estimated him.

"Alright then, it's settled," said the old woman.  "We shall leave right now before it gets too dark."

"But ... but...."  I stammered.  "Where is your home?  We would want to visit you and Ning!"

The old woman smiled.  "It's very far from here.  Come on, Ning, help me find my way."

Ning got up immediately.  Turning to us, he said, "Don't worry about me, I'll be ok."  Then he led the old woman out and they  both vanished into the night before Lao Lo and I could say anything more.

For some time, neither of us could speak.  I saw Lao Lo brush a tear from his eye.  I could not find any words of consolation, I too felt the sadness in my heart.  Gathering up my courage, I finally said, "Don't worry, Lao Lo.  Ning's not gone forever .... I mean we can still find out where the old woman lives, visit him, tomorrow, the next day ....."  My voice trailed away.

Lao Lo's friends were of course unaware of what had happened.  They were a little drunk and to my relief,  left soon after.

"I shall stay with you tonight, Lao Lo," I said.

He nodded, still unable to speak.  Together we gathered up what was left of the reunion dinner, did the washing up and went to bed. But it was a long night and neither of us could catch any sleep.

Early the next morning, we were startled to hear someone banging on Lao Lo's front door.

"Alright, alright," muttered a very sleepy Lao Lo.  He struggled out of bed and opened the door.  We were both shocked to see Ning standing there, grinning widely at us!

"Ning!  Ning!  You're back!  What happened?"  I cried.

"I have a long story to tell you both but first, how about some coffee?"

When he had settled down, Ning told us an incredible story, like something out of a book of fairy tales.

"After we left Lao Lo's hut, we walked a little way and then all of a sudden, we were on top of a mountain. Needless to say, I was astounded but being not one to easily panic, I took in the beautiful surroundings before me.  There was a Chinese temple, a lake and lots of weeping willows.  The scenery was exactly like one of those willow pattern plates Head Nun has in the temple .. remember, Da?  Then right before my eyes, the old woman changed into a lovely young lady.  She bade me sit down on a bed of cushions and then explained what it was all about.  Wow!  I thought I was having another of my fantasy dreams ...."

"What happened next?"  Lao Lo and I chorused excitedly.

"Well, she said her name is Lady Ziu Mei (Beautiful Plum) and that she is from the Court of the Jade Emperor, the Ruler of the Heavens.  The Emperor had been very distraught at the evil and wicked happenings on earth and in his anguish threatened to destroy everyone and everything on this planet.  She had pleaded with him to spare the lives of all sentient beings and let her come down to earth to prove to him that there is still love and compassion left in the hearts of men.  The Emperor agreed, so she took the form of an old woman and came down to earth.  In her "travels", she said she came across many, many people. Some showed her kindness, some mocked, scolded, laughed at her.  Undaunted, she carried on and it was then that she came upon our reunion dinner and decided to put us to the test."

"Lao Lo," continued Ning.  "Lady Zui Mei said the Jade Emperor will be very pleased with you for your spirit of sacrifice.  You were willing to part with someone you love (namely me!) in order to help another in distress. Everything she saw and experienced has been carefully recorded to show the Emperor. So you can be sure you will be duly rewarded! After explaining all this to me, she brought me back here!"

"Incredible!" said Lao Lo, shaking his head.  "The Jade Emperor will be pleased with you too, Ning for volunteering to help the "old woman".

"Er - maybe," said Ning modestly. "By the way, if you think I'm making all this up, which I have not, let me show you something."

He produced a little package, unwrapped it and showed us a small willow pattern plate.

"This plate is a gift from Zui Mei.  If you look closely, you will see her image and mine imprinted on the plate!"

We looked and gasped in awe.

"Fantastic!"  I exclaimed.  "This plate must surely be made in heaven.  How else could both your images be there?  Does the Lady Zui Mei's mission end here?"

"No!  She will move on to the ends of the earth until she is able to fully convince and satisfy the Jade Emperor that there is still some goodness left in man."

"I wish her luck," said Lao Lo, looking out of the window.  "It's a tough mission but there are still many good people out there.  She will succeed."

"Yes, I'm sure she will," I echoed as the rays of the morning sun streamed into the window and fell on the willow pattern plate.

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