Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Black Terror

The sky was unusually dark and as I gazed at the pale, silvery moon, a cold shiver suddenly ran down my spine. Feeling very uneasy, I got up and decided to return to the kitchen.  Just then, a voice spoke from behind me.

"Hello, friend."

That voice ... it sounded so familiar ... could it be ... oh no, it couldn't be ... I turned round and saw to my horror that it was the one I dreaded ... the Black Queen!

"What are you doing here?"  I gasped.

"What a way to greet a friend," she replied coolly.  Then, without waiting for my response, she carried on.  "I'm here to ask for your help."

"My help!"  I exploded.  "Considering I nearly got killed the last time we met ...."

She ignored me.  "My planet has suddenly become unhabitable.  Fires are breaking out all over the place, our crops have been destroyed, my subjects have either been killed or injured, while some are quite ill.  I need a place to put them while I go in search for another suitable planet for us to live on.  You will no doubt be relieved to know we find your earth too bright and hot.  I ask for only one week - what do you say?"

"It's not for me to say," I retorted.  "You will have to ask Head Nun."

"They are welcome to stay," said a voice behind us.  It was Head Nun.

"Head Nun!  You can't be serious!  This ... this... creature is dangerous ...."  I protested.

"She came for our help, so we shall help her.  We have an unused storeroom at the back of the temple.  The black cats can stay there.  However, I have two conditions - (1) that the Black Queen returns in a week, otherwise I shall hand over her subjects to the relevant authorities; and (2) that the cats remain confined to their quarters until her return and do not cause any disturbance or trouble for the temple."

"Agreed!" said the Black Queen and signalled for someone.  A big black furry cat with bloodshot eyes appeared.  I disliked him on the spot - to me, he smelt of trouble.

"This is Black Night," said the Black Queen.  "He shall be in charge while I'm gone."  With that, she turned and disappeared into the night.

I watched as Black Night shepherded his cats to the storeroom.  There must have been at least one hundred of them.  Some were quite old, others sick or injured and there were also a number of kittens crying and wailing.  The nuns brought them food and water and some attended to those who had injuries.

"Make sure you lock the door properly every time you leave," said Head Nun to her nuns.

That night, I found it difficult to sleep.  I felt Head Nun had made a wrong decision by taking in the black cats - I could sense trouble in my bones - but what could I do?  In the end, I sent a small prayer up to the Lord Buddha to protect us.

The next morning I was up early and went to the storeroom.  I peeped through the grills of the window.  Most of the cats were still sleeping.  I instinctively looked for Black Night and saw that he was huddled in one corner with a few other cats. They were talking in low tones, as though conspiring something.  I crept up to the window nearest to them hoping to overhear something but could not.  I felt uneasy again and when Head Nun appeared for breakfast, I told her of my fears.

"Don't worry, Vege Cat," she said, smiling.  "They will be gone in a week."

The next few nights passed by uneventfully.  The black cats seemed to have settled down though most of them complained it was too bright and the nuns had cardboard or old curtains put up over the windows.

It was on the fifth night of their stay that a commotion broke out.   Head Nun and I were in the kitchen watching telly - the other nuns had gone to a vegetarian dinner hosted by a devotee. Before we knew what was happening, a group of black cats burst into the kitchen, led by Black Night.

"Seize her!" he yelled and several cats pounced on Head Nun and pushed her into a chair.

"Leave her alone," I shouted.  "I knew you're trouble all along ..."

Black Night grinned, his bloodshot eyes becoming redder.

"You shut up!" he snarled at me.  "Alright, lady, (addressing Head Nun), I hear that there is plenty of gold in this temple, enough to make me rich!  Show me where it is, otherwise I shall have you and your precious pet here killed!"

"What gold?"  I gasped, this was news to me, I had no idea the temple had any gold.

"Don't pretend!"  Black Night growled.  "Come on, lady, hurry up or do you both want to die?"

"It's alright, Vege Cat," said Head Nun calmly.  "I will show them."

Head Nun stood up and led them to the prayer hall.  I was dragged along as well.

Once inside, she pointed to the three golden statues of Lord Buddha sitting there.  In the darkness of the hall, they shone even brighter, almost dazzling our eyes.

"Here's your gold," said Head Nun.  Black Night and his cats stared at the statues, as tho mesmerized.  Then all of a sudden, rays of golden light began shooting from the statues.  They shot in all directions, lighting up the whole hall.  One by one, the black cats began swooning and fell to the floor.  Only Head Nun remained standing, silently chanting a mantra. I was also in a daze and before I could say anything, I fell in a heap at Head Nun's feet ....

"Vege Cat!  Wake up!"

"W-what?"  I opened my eyes and as I remembered what had happened the night before, I jumped to my feet.  "The black cats!  They're going to steal our Buddha statues ... help!  help!"

Without thinking, I rushed to the prayer hall.  There was no one inside and the statues of Lord Buddha were still there.  Puzzled, I dashed to the storeroom.  It was empty and scurely locked - no sign of any black cats.

I ran back to the kitchen, confused.

"Head Nun, the black cats ...the Black Queen ...."  I began.

Head Nun looked equally confused.  "I don't know what you're talking about, Vege Cat," she said.  All the nuns were looking at me, mystified.

"Surely you remember ...."  I poured out the whole story of the previous night.

"Vege Cat, you've had a nightmare again," said one of the nuns.  "Must have had too much to eat at dinner last night!"  They all started giggling and left me to my confusion.

"But it was so real ...." I protested.

"It's alright, Vege Cat," said Head Nun consolingly.  "Nothing happened last night or any other night - no Black Queen or black cats. It was a bad dream.  We're all safe and sound.  Now just come and have your breakfast."

Safe and sound.  I let out a sigh of relief.  That was the best thing I had heard all morning and it was also the best breakfast I had in days.

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