Thursday, February 14, 2013

Alone by the River

As I slipped out of the temple gate, I turned to take a last look at the temple and a lump welled up in my throat.  Three happy years there with so much love and care from Head Nun and her nuns ... no time to be sentimental  now ... the nuns would be up soon for their morning prayers and they must not find me .... I hurried down the road, not really knowing where I was headed.  There is little traffic at this time of the morning - I kept on walking, then suddenly thought of Cousin Li - perhaps I could spend some time with him.

I went to the river where his shack is but it was deserted.  He and his family must have gone away somewhere.  I sat down on the porch for a rest, I guess I could stay here for a while until he came back, he wouldn't mind.  I must have dozed off because when I woke up, the sun was streaming in and the air was alive with the chirping of birds.  I walked down to the river bank and took a deep breath - the air was so cool and refreshing.  A few fish jumped out of the water as though to tease me, then dived back and disappeared.  The branches of the trees above my head were gently swaying in the wind and as I sat there, I felt so much at peace.

I spent the next five days by the river lying under the trees and eating wild berries for food.  I thought of many things - the temple, Head Nun, my past adventures.  Suddenly, I felt terribly homesick - I missed just about everybody in the temple!

The next morning, I awoke to the sound of someone calling my name.  Surprised, I looked up and saw that it was Mei, a white dove that lives in the eaves of Head Nun's temple.

"What are you doing here, Mei?  How did you find me?"

"I followed you when you left that morning, Da.  Why did you leave?  Why are you hiding yourself here?"

I looked down and sighed.  "Well, I have been giving Head Nun so much trouble ...."

"Da," said Mei.  "You have a good, kind heart and all your life, you have been doing nothing but helping people.  Head Nun loves you and misses you very much.  On the day you went "missing", she and the other nuns searched high and low for you.  She is very sad and she has not been well since then."

"Head Nun sick?  Are you sure?"  I exclaimed.

"Yes, I know everything that goes on in the temple.  Please come back, for Head Nun and everyone's sake."

I hesitated.  "I don't know, I've got to think it over ...."

"Please ...."  repeated Mei.

When I reached the temple at around noon, I slowly walked to the kitchen.  The nuns would be there having their lunch.  I hesitated at the doorway, then one of the nuns looked up and saw me.

"Vege Cat!  It's Vege Cat!  He's back!" she yelled.  Then before I knew what was happening, I was surrounded by a flurry of grey robed nuns.  One of them picked me up and carried me on her shoulder.

"Head Nun!  Look!  It's Vege Cat!  He's back, safe and sound." she cried.

Head Nun dropped what she was doing and rushed towards us.  Soon I was in her arms and tears trickled down her cheeks as she cradled and hugged me.  For a few moments neither of us spoke, then in a soft, trembling voice, she said, "Don't you ever do this again, do you hear?  The temple is your home and no matter what, don't you dare think of leaving!"  She brushed away a tear, then let me down on a nearby chair.

"Alright, alright, what are you all standing there for?  Give him something to eat, he must be dying of hunger," said Head Nun to the nuns.  There was a lot of giggling and laughing as everyone rushed to bring me something and soon I was tucking in to a hearty meal.

It was a wonderful homecoming.  I will have a lot of explaining to do but I know there will never be a home with so much love and compassion than the temple - why, it could even be Nirvana on earth!

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